Sunday, June 26, 2016

It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature

Cha Cha and I are watching Ricky Gervais' Netflix original film Special Correspondents. We have loved just about everything Gervias has ever been associated with. Ricky was on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon last week which is where we learned of this show. So far the movie is really funny and clever. I love Ricky because he likes animals as much as I do; he is a very caring and charitable person; the causes he supports are diverse and vast - I wish I had more money so I could help more living things through causes.

Yesterday was a pretty busy day. Immediately after I got home from what I have been doing for four days a week for several months (top secret secret agent double-naught spy stuff) we went across the street to one of the neighborhood kid's high school graduation party. It was nice to get a chance to talk to a lot of the neighbors that we only get a chance to wave to occasionally drive by or when they when we do. It is always interesting to learn who reads this blog (and flattering that people care what is on my feeble mind). I even actually met a few people that I have been waving at for about four or five years. After that we had Cha Cha's brother (The Lost Sock from the Dirty Laundry Podcast days) and his family over for a visit; it was very nice. I was very tired from a long, busy day so I went to bed shortly after the karaoke began. Actually, it was probably more because the karaoke began.
DLP artwork by The Lost Sock

The Lost Sock and I spoke about the podcast and, based on that talk, Cha Cha and I will probably record a new show in the upcoming weeks. I will try not to get frustrated while editing this time. I will attempt to be as tenacious as I was when we did it the first time. I am in a better place mentally again and I will utilize that tenacity and stubbornness that some people  love about me and that others hate about me.

Later this afternoon (it is 3:42 already so I am not sure what I mean by "later") we are probably going to go over to Fatty's Pub and Grille to salads and beverages (for me that will mean iced tea, most likely). On Sundays they have bands out on the patio and the last time we went (about three weeks ago I think) it was very nice.

Special Correspondents just ended and it was really good. Cha Cha turned to me and said, "it was great." So there is your blog version of Siskel and Ebert At The Movies. We both give it thumbs-up or five stars or however we should rate it.

I have given into a new addiction that I am not entirely embarrassed about. I am, once again in my life, totally addicted to The Andy Griffith Show. I generally watch about three episodes each weekday afternoon and now, since it is the weekend and we are done watching our movie and Cha Cha is lying down, I am watching the very first episode on Netflix. The one I am watching is called "The New Housekeeper." Do you know who the new housekeeper is? Yep, it was Aunt Bea - I think she was also the last housekeeper (and much more) by the time the show ended. I will probably watch two or three and probably fall asleep rightchere (the way Barney says it) in this recliner. Watching the shows this way is nicer - no commercials and the resolution is much better than the grainy once on the two different stations I watch it on on television. Ron Howard was a pretty good actor even as a kid - I bet he really made something of himself as an adult. Also, Barney and Andy are still cousins in this and the next episode (not sure when that cousinship ends).

Okay, I am gonna end for now and maybe fall asleep in this recliner rightchere while my subconscious takes in some good old Mayberry R,F.D. values and lessons. Thank you for stopping by; I appreciate it so much. I will find time to blog again tomorrow because it looks like I won;t have to mow the lawn tomorrow - thank you Mother Nature! TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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