Monday, August 14, 2017

Some Days You Just Can't Get Rid of a Bomb!

My issue is not Epilepsy but that is a good representation of auras 
I am not having a very good day already and it is only 09:00 (on my MIDDLE weekend day). I have felt odd off-and-on all though the night. I am going to start calling my health issues / auras "Boomtown Rats Syndrome" (BRS) because of this song. I am not trying to belittle what shameful things are currently happening in our country but I am quite embarrassed as a transplanted/born (yes, that is possible) American citizen. The United States of America has had our unfair share of embarrassing incidents in our, comparatively, short history. I wonder if not liking Mondays is just ingrained in us as that is normally the days we go back to school and/or work after our weekends? I should love Mondays, and I usually do, but not for these past two weeks or so. I think I may even wait to mow the lawn until tomorrow unless things, hopefully, turn-around.  I am lying in bed now as my: feet, legs and arms are tingling like they are falling asleep. My face is starting to feel hot and tingly like it is falling asleep also. I am not trying to be dramatic or alarming but I like to write these things, if I happen to be blogging at the time, so, if some medical people ask me about "the last time you had an aura" later I will have someplace to go to reference. Maybe I should carry an "aura journal" too. I have never slept well and I believe that is a large part of my issues. Even sleep-aids don't usually work that well for me. I must have been a terrible person in a past-life. I took a codeine pill the other night and that helped a great deal. I only have two of those left so I have to economize those. Aura has passed.

I am going to feel like a slug if I just lie around all day. I will probably try to workout later and, maybe, mow the lawn just in case it rains tomorrow.

Right now there is a show on HBO, playing on he bedroom television here, called Starring Adam West. I always loved Batman as a kid. He (Adam West) had some real issues during his life but he seems like a pretty nice guy and kind of normal now. I think many people in the Hollyweird scene have some baggage and are a bit different and eccentric. Perhaps those eccentricities help them survive and cope with the lives that they have to live? Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!

I am having another aura (stomach weirdness, legs tingling, arms falling asleep, head getting hot, chest tightening...) again. I seem to have issues when I try to remember things from the past. As opposed to remembering things from the future - LOL. After I am done writing this I think I am going to try to sleep again. Sleep has always been a challenge for me. I feel like I am writing the same things over-and-over here lately. I feel like I am writing the same things over-and-over here lately. I feel like I am writing the same things over-and-over here lately. I am so glad I am off of work again tomorrow. I am tried of whining and wallowing for today.
What a great cast!
I will be back in a moment; I have to am going to start a load of laundry. The Royal Tenenbaums is on now (Adam West is over) and Gene Hackman just asked the doctor if seizures were " like flopping around on the floor..." Again, everything is about me. I think memories and recall are the main problems and cause of my auras. I should just stop remembering things and everything would work it's way out. I don't want to forget things because memories are really important to me. I think about you (yes, YOU) specifically on-and-off all of the time and that is worth any auras to me.

I have a doctor's appointment on 9-11 (seems fitting) and I have been keeping a list of things to discuss with him. He doesn't seem to really give a hoot about me but I cannot prescribe my own medications. Plus, how is he going to keep getting the best, new golf clubs without my insurance money? Have a great day. I am going to try to do that too. If I don't blog again tomorrow that means I am dead and a tree will be growing from my ashes. TTTT (if there is a tomorrow)...MITM (out) TA!

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