Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Expanding My Horizons and Opening My Mind

It is 07:14 and I am watching Fox & Friends on the Fox News Channel (FNC). I figured, since some call the channel that I usually watch Cable News Network (CNN) "fake news," I would watch the other main news channel's morning show and see what they have to say. I believe that CNN is fair and balanced for the most part and, as I feel so far, it seems like FNC is fair and balanced as well. I was a news editor for a newspaper and I have written news for several newspapers over the years so I am big on "fair and balanced." I realize that I have only watched this show for a short time but it seems to be not that dissimilar to what I usually watch. If Elisabeth Hasselbeck, shows up, however, I will change the channel immediately. They are talking to people in a cafe in Alabama now so I think I have done my time for today and will change the channel to HBO or something - baby steps! I will not let anybody, including the leaders of the free world, make me abandon my: opinions, viewpoints, sensitivities, values, loves, curiosities, caring or knowing what is right and wrong.

I have heard that statues and monuments of Confederate leaders and such in southern states are being vandalized and demolished by angry people. I do not condone that kind of behavior on any side. Tearing down statues of people the like of: Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, P.G.T. Beauregard... will not help anything. It will, in all likelihood, just throw more fuel on the fire of the current violence and hatred in our country. Most of what is happening,however, is merely vigilantism and vandalism and gives more evidence, hopefully wrongfully, that the left and the right are not that dissimilar.  Of course I think slavery in our country is one of the most embarrassing times in the history of our country. I would say "in the world" but the best-seller, The Holy Bible, tells people of stories of much worse atrocities than what we are seeing today. They did not tear down statues of the Roman leaders and gladiators at The Colosseum during their heyday and their entire society was built by their slaves as well. We need to remember our histories so we can continue to be reminded that we do not want to repeat this kind of behavior and atmosphere and these atrocities. Non-violent discourse is important though; I have learned many things that I had not considered and that needs to continue.
I would have taken the pic when the light was green

Most people believe that what they do/are doing are the right and proper things and there is probably someone, somewhere, that believes what you are doing and what I am doing is wrong so we can only just do what we feel and believe is right and move forward. I will make mistakes and you will make mistakes but that is part of the ride. I try to learn from my mistakes though I do repeat many of them on a regular basis.

Yesterday I put a rowing machine together to add to our very crowded gym in the basement. I need to workout today because I did not yesterday unless you count putting a rowing machine together - which I do not.

I just learned something and have to make a retraction of what I wrote about a few paragraphs ago. Elisabeth Hasselbeck is no longer on Fox News. I guess she left shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting. See what I mean about "always learning?"

I just went to start a load of laundry and, guess what? We are out of laundry detergent. Guess what else? We are out of fabric softener? Guess what else else? I will have to go get some because I don't want to be the stinky guy at work tomorrow. I need to figure out something for dinner too so I may as well get both things at the same time.

I am too distracted to continue writing now so I will end. I hope you have a wonderful day; I am going to try to do the same. It is already starting-out better than yesterday did. Most likely. I will write again on Sunday. Sometimes I surprise myself and write when I do not expect to but, if that happens, I will let you know. TTTLater...MITM (out) TA!

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