Friday, April 21, 2017

Crime Never Sleeps

I am too lazy and tired to proofread today so DEAL WITH IT or stop reading right now! I wasn't planning on blogging at all but you will have to read further to find out why.

I am sad to be blogging right now. It is 15:45 and I should be on the way to the Chicago Bulls' playoff game against the Boston Celtics. I bought tickets for Fabio and I to go but, as life happens regardless of our plans, life decided to make today one of those days to make things happen. It turns out that it was a great thing that I took vacation days from work for today and tomorrow as I was needed to save a life and may be needed further over the next three days or so. I will not go into detail to protect the ailing person's right to privacy but I spent the greater part of today in Kishwaukee Hospital. I think I have been in a medical or convalescent care facility every one of my work weekends for the past six weeks or so. I should have received a degree in some medical field by now. Anyway, I had Fabio find a friend to take to the game in my stead and told him to have the other person pay for the gas and parking. One of his buddies answered the call and they are on the way to The United Center for the playoffs. I believe Fabio is nervous driving in Chicago traffic but I was driving into Chicago when I was 16 so he is already four years behind me. I have faith in him or I wouldn't have let him take our car. I will admit that I will be nervous until he gets home tonight. I will watch the Bulls' game here in the living room and then not have to fight traffic.

I have not been to see my mom for a week or so because of work and life. I speak to my dad every couple of days and he said she seems to be doing a bit better though I do not believe she will ever get to live anywhere other than in a facility similar to the one she is in now. It was where she gave my dad the hardest time of anyone but now she is dealing with him better than she is with the medical staff. Fortunately, their house is close enough to the home where my mom is that they have called him when she is being difficult and he has gotten there in ten minutes or so and been able to get her to calm down enough so the nurses... could do what they need to take care of with mom.

At work I am an ERT (Emergency Response Team) member and soon will be a member of the Safety Team too so I guess it is nice to get all of this extra practice on my weekends too, huh? If that were not a hypothetical question the answer would be NO IT IS NOT NICE! I do not know why I always get drawn toward things that involve helping others but I wouldn't have it any other way. Unless I win the lottery. I think I would just help people with my money rather than my actions. Don't try to find my though because I will disappear and help people who really need it and deserve it anonymously.

So, in addition to the Bulls' game I was going to fix the two sections of our stockade fence today that the wind has beaten the hell out of (Yes. I am ending this sentence with a preposition because I can if I want to even though writing this parenthetical sentence is changing me ending this sentence with a preposition, technically).

I feel better just writing a lot of that down so, I thank you (earlier than usual in the blog) for stopping by so I have a reason to write. I must admit that it is nice to have a five day weekend with not as much packed into it as I had anticipated. I have four more days to get that fence repaired and check in on my patients now and again without being a hoverer (I don't care if hoverer is not a work because it should be a word if it isn't one). But I think that it is.
Ever notice how that are two M's and no B's in the Matt signal?

Okay, that is enough from me today. I felt that writing would make me feel better but it does not today. The thought that you care enough to be here, right now, reading this does, however, help some. I appreciate your time and the knowing that you care enough to see what is rattling around in my old cobwebbed mind. I can also look back, one day, and think to myself, "what the hell was I thinking?" I just now saw that there is free Cinemax on DirecTv. I bet it is also free HBO time right now but we pay for that so we don't get that for free. Based upon what I have seen so far I am also happy that we don;t pay for Cinemax. I am really going to end tonight and, sadly, I will probably fall asleep before the Bulls' game starts or shortly thereafter. I may order Hidden Figures on DirecTv Cinema tonight. I have wanted to see that movie since it was in the theaters. What better way to spend a vacation day than to lie on my couch, in my pajamas, and fall asleep watching a movie before the Bulls' game starts. I just hope the Matt Signal doesn't show in the night sky tonight - I need to rest. I need one weekend to be a weekend but crime and tragedy never sleeps so...

Thanks again for stopping and I will write when time permits (hopefully tomorrow after I paint fix the fence and then "wax on, wax off"). I hope that time is tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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