Monday, July 24, 2017

We Shall Overblog!

Which is EVERY week!!!!!
Today (Mondays) are one of my favorite days of the week. I realize that it is most peoples' most hated days of the week but I have always marched to the beat of a different drum. Monday, for me is the MIDDLE day of my three-day weekends. Sunday may be a bit better, now that I think of it, because it is the first day of my weekend and Cha Cha is off of work on that day too. So, upon blogflexion, Mondays are my second day of the week. Another cool ting about this "weekend" is that the Cardinals are on ESPN again tonight. This time it is against the Colorado Rockies. Last night's game against the Cubs wasn't as ideal for me as I had hoped. I like watching either way bit, like a good movie, I always hope for a happy ending. I am so proud that I stopped at baseball with that analogy. I am considering going to Hollywood Casino next "weekend" to play some blackjack or, maybe. a Texas Hold'em tournament.

I am so sick of all of the political crap yet I cannot stop watching CNN. I am part of the reason that their ratings have doubled since 40filth (patent/trademark/copyright... pending) became President. It is interesting how, when anyone on his staff becomes even a little less sycophantic they lose their jobs. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is the latest to become beleaguered. I think Beauregard is a good MIDDLE name for a racist from Alabama but, wouldn't Davis have been a better MIDDLE name? I just learned that Beauregard is from Selma, Alabama. Martin Luther King began the Selma to Montgomery March from Selma in 1965 for African American voting rights (in the month of March, to keep it simple to remember for simpletons like me). I remember it like I was two-years-old. Voter rights were granted nine months later in August of 1965 while I was still one month away from three.

Jared Kushner is speaking at the moment. It sounds like he is going to resign, based on his opening statements... but, no he did not. I didn't even know he could speak until now. I wonder if his job is safe? Oh yeah, there is always the father-in-law pardon thing to fall back on I suppose.

Did you hear about the race between American Olympic record-breaking swimmer Michael Phelps racing a shark in a swimming match or meet or whatever you'd call it? I would say "meet" but, with only two participants, it doesn't seem to be a "meet." It was to help promote Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. Anyway, the shark beat Phelps and his fans are really upset. "Why are they upset" you might ask? Because it was a mechanical shark but, that piece of the puzzle was not revealed to the public until race time. I guess "mechanical" would have even been better than what it really was - a CG (computer generated) shark. It was billed as "the great white shark meets the greatest of all time." People are calling it Shark Weak. I bet Ali could have beaten them both because he was "The Greatest." He died last year so he would have been C.G.'d too though. I thought Ali was the greatest showman of all time. I am happy that I lived during his heyday. Take that P.I. Barnum.
Float like a butterfly swim like a guppy
I will mow the lawn tomorrow. I found last week that it IS beneficial to mow in long pants rather than shorts so I will repeat that discovery (not channel). I knew it always but I like wearing shorts.

We are supposed to have a guy come out today to give us a cost for replacing some fascia on the front of the house. It is so damn windy out here in the MIDDLE of these cornfields. This is not the first time to have some fascia replaced. I am also having them clean the leaves from the gutters. I bet they will find a lot of nuts up there too as I put out nuts as wells as birdseed. I see the squirrels carrying the nuts up the trees. I have also seen them burying them in the front yard after using our house for a bridge. I am convinced, based on my Jane Goodall voyeurism, that the squirrels have no idea where they bury their nuts.

Okay, that does it for me today. Thank you for finding the blog again though, try as I might, I cannot hide it as well as the squirrels could. Maybe that s how Secret Squirrel got his name - losing his nuts. I will probably blog again tomorrow. Have a great night. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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