Sunday, May 28, 2017

I Love You Because You're Different!

No, that is not a Cubs' cap
It is Sunday and my three-day weekend is underway. It looked like rain this morning so I didn't mow the lawn right away. It got to be around 9:00 or so and I decided to go to the gas can ( I still call it a can even though I don't have a metal gas "can" anymore. I have two red plastic gas jugs and one huge yellow gas jug but I still call them gas cans because gas jugs doesn't seem right. Anyway, when I got back with the gas I decided to try to get the front done before the rain arrived so it would look like we looked more manicured than we were. The backyard is entirely fenced-in so if that had to wait so be it. Jill had been working on the flowerbeds and edges and such so I put that stuff in the garage before the winds moisture would arrive. The rain started to slowly fall as I finished the front. Happily, it did not last long and I got the back done too. While I did the back Jill (with the help of our Border Collie Jeff) got back to her work out front. She seems to love to do that stuff though I know she does not enjoy weeding the flower beds.

I want to write something about my doctor's appointment from last week but I am apprehensive to do that. I know I wrote something about my appointment last Wednesday and I took the note that he gave me about my restrictions/limitations to a place where I go several days per week. It did not seem to be received well though the limitations were nothing that had changed or unreasonable. I will not say much more about that as to not cause myself future possible hassles but, should adverse things occur, there may be big hassles down the line. I may just stop going to doctors and save all of the money. Speaking of money - property taxes are due next week.
This one seems fun!
When God/Jesus... took over the religious world what happened to: Greek Gods - Zeus and Poseidon and Atena and Apollo or Native American Gods - Nanook and Gohone and Whope and Haaschch' ee Oolt'ohi or Roman Gods - Neptune and Mars and Vulcan and Jupiter? I could go on and on and on with different civilizations/peoples and religions and their Gods but I really wonder what happened to them? Why do we not hear from these other peoples and their religious beliefs? I have no problem with people believing in whatever they want to believe it but it seems sad that we don't seem to let people outside of different cultures believe something different without reprisal or ridicule. I think one of the great things about people are their differences. I suppose that I am a liberal, bleeding-heart, hippy, doofus but that is who I choose to be. Mowing the lawn while listening to The Barenaked Ladies makes me think of many different things I suppose.

I am listening to the St. Louis Cardinals' game on my phone while I write this. One of my favorite apps is the MLB At Bat APP because I can listen to any Major League Baseball home or away game broadcast for just $19 for the entire season. I suppose most people can just listen to the radio as I imagine most people have favorite sports' teams near them. I wish I had not mentioned that because, as I typed that period to end the last sentence the Colorado Rockies scored the first run of the game. It is only the second inning so there is plenty of baseball to be played. They just announce that the teams are both wearing the camouflage baseball caps to commemorate Memorial Day. I have Mondays off but I am not sure if that is one of our paid holidays or not. I have been there for over a year now so I should know that but I am happy to remember my name most days.

I am gonna wrap-up now because I have run out of things to type about. I will try to do something blog-worthy to write about tomorrow. I hope you have a great Memorial Day Eve. Thanks for stopping by. TTTT (almost positively)... MITM (out) TA!

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