Tuesday, May 23, 2017

As Clear as Blood

This should make it as clear as blood for you
This will have to be quick because I, apparently, did not pack the power cable to this computer as I thought I had. I am in one of the waiting rooms while Jill is having a cerebral angiogram performed while in a twilight sleep so they can check for cerebral vascularity, Yes, I basically know what that means but you can Google it if you are curious to learn more about that. So, I was with her in her prep room or whatever they call it and, when then they came in to take her away I gave her a kiss and headed down to have a turkey lettuce wrap. They were going to lock-up her personal effects (clothing and what-not) as well as her purse. So, while I was eating my wrap and my baked blueberry oatmeal I got a call from an unknown number. I answered it and they asked that I come back up here to the third floor to get her purse. We asked thrice if they were going to lock that up with her clothes and such and they said that they were going to do that. So now I feel like throwing by complimentary, watered-down, hot tea right in their faces. But I am afraid they might bar me. 
I loved this movie
I am so sick of medical and assisted-care facilities of late. I have toured all of Illinois over the past few years visiting these sad places. I suppose it would be worse if they did not exist rather than existing. I just looked and the computer power is already half drained. I am supposed to return to work tomorrow but, if Cha Cha needs assistance I believe I will have to call-off of work. I hope that she is doing well and I do not have to do that but I have my priorities, in my mind, straight. She is the best thing that I have ever known and she comes before all things so the decision will not be a difficult one should I have to make one on the morrow. I feel guilty for not having 

Being a slightly early MIDDLE-aged person my bladder does not function as it did when I was a yute. One cup of tea and I have to do something that rhymes tea put starts with a P. Hold that water - they say I can go see Jill now so I am done, 

I am here with her and she is doing great but she has to lie flat on her back for the next four hours. She seems like her perfect self. So, another happy ending to the blog. I bet she will be sore when her pain meds wear-off but I bet she will get a pretty good prescription ("scripts" is what we people who spend too much time in medical facilities call them). If not, I (allegedly) have codeine at home from one of my many injuries over time. I rarely take all of my pain meds because I am such a stud and they are much more effective when you don't need them so much. That reminds me that I still need to find a trustworthy mary jane supplier. 

Thanks for all of the warm thoughts and sentiments on the Facebook page. We both appreciate the support and juju. BLOG FLASH!!!!! The doctor just now came in and said, "basically, everything looks normal." That seems like good news but what is causing the tremendous headaches she has? Yep, everything is about me- I am probably causing the headaches. I am hearing people in the other rooms around us receiving bad news (yes, I have great hearing and I an incredibly nosy) so I feel really fortunate for the news we have received here today.

Only one bar left on the power so TTTT (depending on whether I am at home or at work)? TTTT?...MITM (out) TA!

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