Sunday, June 25, 2017

Baseball on My Mind

I suppose I should blog today (Sunday) because tomorrow morning I will be driving to St. Louis to watch the Cardinals play a rain-out make-up game against the Cincinnati Reds. It will be kind of weird because, as a youngster, the Reds were (perhaps that should be "was?") my favorite team. I loved The Big Red Machine with: Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan, Pete Rose, Dave Concepcion, George Foster, Ken Griffey (not Junior), Caesar Geronimo, Tom Seaver, Tony Perez... I am sure I am forgetting so many great ones. If Ozzie Smith would have become a member of the Reds I would still call the Cincinnati Reds my favorite team today. Truth be told blogged I was born into a Cubs' family but I have always been a bit of a rebel (fitting since Missouri was occupied by both Union and Confederate supporters during the Civil War). The game tomorrow is also Carlos Martinez- Matt Carpenter bobble-head day. I am not sure if I could live without one of those - I cannot believe I have gotten this far in life without one. So, there are two (or three if you want to squish) seats available in the JEEP if you want to get a a ducket and get a free ride (parking and fuel included with Fabio and I). I have not been to St. Louis for some time so I am pretty excited. These are the days that I love having Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays off. Most normal humans in the U.S. and A. have to work tomorrow which is why I could get good seats/tickets the day before the game. Do they have turkey dogs at games these days, do you suppose? The ESPN game of the week tonight is Pittsburgh and St. Louis (double bonus).

I got the movie Get Out from Redbox (not to be confused with the Cincinnati Redboxes) a few days ago at the suggestion from a friend at work. It was a really good movie. Fabio also watched it when he got home from work that night and he liked it too. I returned it before Cha Cha got to see it because she was working from Evanston that day and I learned that she had wanted to see it too. I felt like a schlub. It's only a dollar and the Redbox (two of them actually) is less than a mile from our house so I can get it any time she wants to see it.
I am going to take a break from writing this as I began watching Birth of a Nation this morning and I have paused it several times. I recorded it on HBO and am finally watching it. I saw the original version in either high school or college and I liked it very much but this new one is much more cinematically appealing. I am kind of a movie snob these days. I am a huge equal rights liberal as you know if you know almost anything about me so to see anyone (women, children, people of color, homosexual, bi-sexual, religious, non-religious, transgender, mentally or physically challenged...) being persecuted or not given equal treatment or rights as anyone else just incenses me. I have often said that I am prejudice against prejudice people. Maybe that is wrong of me too because they have the rights to believe what they believe too. I guess my problem is when people cause physical, sociological or mental... pain to someone just for being who they want to or were meant to be. Be back quicker than you can say "Jack Robinson." I like to believe that saying is about Jackie Robinson but it from the 1700's so I cannot tie it into the baseball and movie thing even though I did by writing this sentence so, I guess I can. Birth of a Nation (2016) was really good, by the way,

A lot has happened since the last paragraph. I think Jack Robinson would have been back more quickly. Jill and I went to Menard's twice because we underestimated the amount of mulch we needed on the first trip. Oh, we actually got cedar chips rather than mulch this time. We did get some more black mulch to fill-in in the front of the house because it gets windy many times when surrounded by corn fields. We went for lunch at Texas Roadhouse. I remember why we have not been there for more than a year or two (the food is not culinary genius). It was nice being there at lunch time as opposed to dinner time because it was not as loud in there as it is later. It will probably be about two or three years before we go back there I imagine.
I refer to think it is about Jackie

After I get done finishing this I will make sure my bug-out bag is fully loaded in case we run into issues on the road trip in the morning and need to stop and sleep in a manger or something. I hope we have weather down there tomorrow like we are having here today. I am not sure if I am going to take my watch off during the game or leave it on. I can tell how well my tan is doing when I take my watch off. I am much more tan than I thought I would have been. I guess mowing lawns and spreading mulch and such will do that to a fella (or gal). I have always tanned pretty well and rarely burn.

I am gonna end now and go out and enjoy the weather on the patio with Cha Cha. You never know when it may be the last time you ever see someone so I take as many opportunities to be with the ones I love. Fabio wants to have a beer at the ballgame tomorrow and I am unclear what the law is for 20-1/2 year olds to drink legally in Missouri as I get conflicting information on the interweb. I guess I will ask a beer vendor when we are there as I am certain they will know. It will suck if tomorrow turns into a rain-out. That is a long drive for a make-up game later.

Thanks for stopping by; I am always glad to know that you do and to hear from you now and again. TTT (maybe Tuesday). MITM (out)...TA!

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