Monday, November 14, 2016

Supermoon Seems to be Changing me

Today is day three of four of my days off this week. Next week I will get my regular three days off which I have not gotten for quite some time having to have had worked six days a week for several weeks. "Having to have had" is kind of a weird thing to write but I think it is grammatically correct though I am not all that concerned whether it is or not because I am not sweating the small stuff anymore for, at least, right now.
I will do it this way next year if I have to get to do it again

Yesterday I was up on a 20 foot ladder scrubbing the side of the house. Our house has like a cream (or is the creme?) - colored siding and the tree there has made some parts of it a dark green and blackish brown. If the damn tree weren't 40 feet tall it would have been an easy job. It looks much better from the ground now but we are thinking about getting different siding come Spring because of this. Maybe green would be the way to go, huh? Speaking of green (not The Benjamins) I also mowed the lawn because that seemed easier than raking all of the leaves. The grass is still very green and it is halfway through November now that the leaves are chopped into tiny bits.

We have lots of large trees and that means lots of birds and other critters. We have TWO squirrels now - gray squirrels or grey squirrels if you prefer. Today and yesterday I saw a Cardinal out there. It was, obviously, a male Cardinal as it was bright red. I like that we have a safe haven for the wild creatures and, hopefully, it will not come back to bite us some day. That reminds me that I need to get some more birdseed today. I am also cleaning my closet today. I have so many clothing items that I have out or under-grown or whatever term you would use if your clothes are too big and I am going to weed them out and take them over to Goodwill. WE takes lots of things there and I hope that our slightly-worn items help some other people.
I have always lover Br'er Rabbit and Uncle Remus
Cha Cha and I are thinking about heading back to Woodstock tonight to go to meditation again. We went Saturday but they say you can never get too much of a good thing and I believe that because I cannot get enough of: Cha Cha, Splenda, Fabio, my friends (you), salads, giardiniera, baseball, kindness, love, happy thoughts, seedless grapes, oxygen, nice weather, bananas, water... That list could go on forever I think; I am happy to know that there are so many more things that I like than I dislike. I think I have just reaffirmed to myself, as I have always known, that I (and we) need to focus on the good things and not the bad. We cannot avoid bad things or sad things or mean things but we should not dwell on these and move to a happy place or maybe even a laughing place sometimes.

I paid several bills this morning - man, is that always depressing or what? And then I think to myself, "self, paying bills is a lot better than not being able to pay bills I guess." Having bills means we have things that we value enough to pay-for until we die and then our dependents can pay those things off with our life insurance money that they received because we paid those life insurance bills.

I weigh-in again tomorrow and I am fairly sure that I have dropped some of the few pounds that I had added before last week's weigh-in. I am glad that I stumble so I can relearn what I never should have unlearned for that short time. I am newly committed again and I want to lose another fifteen pounds by the end of the year. I still have a few shirts and pairs of jeans that I am very close to getting back into. Why are jeans "a pair" of jeans? Socks, shoes, gloves, mittens...make sense as pairs. What about glasses? Why are glasses a pair? Is it because jeans have two legs and one leg would be a jean? Glasses have two lenses and one pair would be a glass? No, that would be a monocle though wouldn't it? Why aren't a pair of glasses not binocles? Binoculars are confusing on many levels. Maybe I am just a pair of loons. No, just a loon. Maybe I am turning into Jerry Seinfelds? Or is it Seinfeld?
Chris Rock is still pretty bad at disguising that he is reading cue cards

I watched Saturday Night Live last night (I am behind, not special and receiving advanced copies because then it would be Saturday Night Live Before It Happens). I thought it was really good; I have always been a big fan of Dave Chappelle and am glad he is back in the game. I hope he is back to stay but I would not blame him if this were just a one-time gig.

I think I am going to wrap-up so I can do something fun like: cleaning the kitchen, continuing to do the laundry, organizing my closet, going to Goodwill... Maybe go to meditate again tonight?  I need to end because the day is getting away from me and, upon writing that list, I see I have a lot to get done.

Thanks a lot for stopping in again. I hope you have a great day and have a clear night tonight to see that amazing Supermoon again. I was mesmerized last night by it and I would not mind seeing a rerun. I hope Supermoons don't cause super werewolves - that would stink. Enjoy whatever it is you enjoy doing and savor every moment. You never know when you might fall twenty feet from a ladder. TTTT (probably) MITM (out) TA!

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