Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It's the Final Countdown!

I started watching a new show on SYFY called Timeless. It reminds me a bit of The Time Machine (Malcolm McDowell) and Quantum Leap (Scott Bakula) because of the historical similarities / implications / interactions. This first episode has to do with The Hindenburg disaster. There are so many story line possibilities and new ones are created every single day. The next one we have recorded is about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. I guess the show is an NBC show and I am just playing catch-up? Yep, there was an NBC commercial for the show. The show, apparently according to that commercial, returns to NBC on November 14th. It appears that I am in a time loop myself because this show is from the past just like The Hindenburg and Honest Abe are. I cannot wait to see the show where they come to this time to stop me from making an idiot of myself. By the time I get done writing this today's blog will be from the past, right?

Speaking of old shows Cha Cha ordered a VHS (yes, a VHS videotape) since this came out before CD's and digital formats were available to we commoners. We received Rick Hall's Vanishing America in the mail (yes, the United States Postal Service mail) a few days ago. Here is a clip if you're interested. Hey wait, the clip is 49:31 long - I think that is the entire movie  - we were bamboozled! We have a huge television (about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle) in the basement workout area which has a built-in VCR and a DVD player so that is something else I can watch while working out. I am really looking forward to watching this again. Maybe we should get one of the machines that can convert VHS tapes into DVD's. We still have a lot of home movies on VHS too. Bamboozled I tell you. Hoodwinked! Swindled! Duped! Caveat Emptor!!!!! Now I can watch it on my phone anyway. Maybe the Timeless people can fix that while they are here too, huh? When I told Jill she said, "no wonder they sent me a thank-you card."

So, Jill and I sat on the couch and watched Rich Hall's Vanishing America on my laptop while we held hands and laughed at the show and ourselves. It was just as funny as we had remembered. If someone is looking for a VHS video of this movie I know where you can get one very cheap. Or, someone may get it as a Christmas present.

Today is election day in U S and A as a sadist I am currently watching the circus on CNN. Donald Trump's daughter-in-law is now talking about how great of a guy he is and how much he loves women. She wasn't very specific on how he loves women very inappropriately. She also talked about how Hillary is under investigation and the commentator set her straight about that. They also showed the line of people (mainly women) putting their  I VOTED  stickers on Susan B. Anthony's headstone. She fought very hard for womens' rights to vote so I found this very touching. To have a woman President will make it all that much more sweet.

I have visited a couple of doctors over the past two days and I cannot longer work more than 40 hours per week until, at least, February when I have my next follow-up. I have already worked 12 hours this week (Sunday) so I only have to work 28 more hours before the end of Saturday. My hope is that I will go back to my four days of ten hours per day after this week but Human Resources will talk to me tomorrow about that and I will learn my fate. My bet would be, if I were a betting Matt (which I totally am) that I will work ten hours tomorrow, ten hours Thursday and then eight hours on Friday. Then, next week go back to my Wed - Sat for ten hours each next week and beyond. I will do whatever I am told to do but that makes the most sense to me. If I am correct, that means I will get a four-day weekend to make-up for those many one-day weekends I have had recently.

I just saw a commercial that really touched my heart. HERE IT IS! Don't worry - it is very bipartisan. I am happy to be reminded of the things we have in common rather than the things that have separated us for the past several months. Yes, it stars a dog but it could just as easily starred a cat but probably not a fish.

I spoke with my dad yesterday afternoon as it was his birthday. We did not speak much about politics because we are polar opposites in that area. He said my mom is not doing very well but she does have her good days. I have made many suggestions and it sounds like he is finally coming around to agreeing with me on some of them. This all has to be tough on him. I cannot imagine how I would act and/or feel if it were Cha Cha and I had to make some of the tough decisions he is facing. I offer my advise when he asks but, ultimately, he has to make the calls. I told him that I will be wherever he needs me whenever he needs me and that is really all that I can do.
Where is Samantha Bee? Is this a boy's club too? I sure hope that isn't the case! 

The polls close in just 39 minutes in many states (the first ones to close). I as so glad we have several DVR's so we can watch something else tonight rather than non-stop election crap. FOUR MORE YEARS will be the thought going through my mind as that is the next time we have to endure this madness. I thing Trevor Noah or John Oliver are having live looks at the election and I may consider those dudes' shows. I like them both a great deal. Samantha Bee would be good too. I have to believe one of them will have coverage. I wish there were a way to look at a guide and see if that were the case. Conan (don't even to mention his last name anymore) had a series of shows on and we have those all DVR'd too - maybe I will just go to bed early before beginning my 28 hours.

I turned CNN off and I am watching Astronaut Farmer with Billy Bob Thornton. I bet you didn't even know Billy Bob and I were so tight did you?

Okay, I am done for today but I may be able to blog again soon because I won;t have to work six days a week soon. I am so excited to be able to write more often again because I believe this is very therapeutic for me and perhaps that is all that I need? I will write again probably Saturday or Sunday I think. I should also be able to weigh-in weekly again if I get my regular schedule back. I weighed-in today and I have gained a few pounds over the past three or four weeks of not weighing-in. I need the accountability it seems. I suppose that is the same reason many people need some kind of invisible creature watching them to make them behave ( Santa, Easter Bunny...). TTT...soon! MITM (out). TA!

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