Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Alone Again - Naturally

I need me a Pushme Pullyou (I had a stuffed one as a yute)
I said I would probably write today so I am gonna write if even just for a bit.

Yesterday I wrote how I don't believe in killing other breathing creatures. I received a message that asked me for examples of how I go out of my way to not kill other beings. The first thing that came to my mind was the way I catch wasps in my hands when they get in our house (we leave the back door open when we are home so Jeff can go in and out as he needs or wants to) and I release them alive back outside. It may be the same wasp over and over and over but I have not been able to tells wasps apart yet. I shoo flies back outside... Oh yeah, the bird that I caught in The Tiki Room a few months ago.

Work went so fast today. I recommend going to Las Vegas and then coming back and going to work - it worked for me and it will work for you. I would probably feel differently is I hadn't won money but I didn't so I don't. I hope work goes this fast all week.

I don't remember if I mentioned that I lost my wedding ring (no, not in Vegas). I am not sure where I lost it which is why I say I lost it. I know it just slipped off of my skinnier finger somewhere and I bet it is here in the house somewhere. I will find it one of these days in the last place that I look. Did you even notice how you always find things in the last place you look? If you don't I wonder why you keep looking after you found it.
Do you know which heel Achilles was vulnerable in/on/at? I have a feeling (pun intended in a moment) it was his left ankle/heel. My left Achilles heel is hurting a great deal. I think it may be the shoes I was wearing today because it feels better right now with my shoes off but the fact that I am sitting down may have something to do with that too. That reminds me that Brad Pitt is a dope.

 My math is bad... 2000- 2016 = ? 
The new Survivor stars in 17 minutes. Do you believe Fabio and I still watch that show? How can they call this the 33rd season? The show began in 2000. I guess maybe they had more than one show in particular calendar years? I just checked and there have been two "seasons" each calendar year from 2001 until this year. There was only one season in 2000. What kind of a crock is that? There is only one MLB or NFL or MISL or NBA or NHL... season each calendar year so you can understand my confusion. Imagine television being fake and making their own rules.

Well, I have to make my salad for lunch tomorrow, clean-up the kitchen and get ready for Survivor. That is code for - I have nothing else on my mind because I am really tired. Jill is not coming home tonight; she is staying at Splenda and Andy's place in Chicago as she is going to her Evanston office tomorrow and they are right by the train station that goes near that office. So, right after the show I am going to bed (oh yeah, I will clean the kitchen while I watch the show).

Thanks a lot for stopping by again. I may write again tomorrow but I am not gonna give odds at this point. Have a great night and a better day tomorrow. I'll write you when I write you. TTTThen...MITM (out) TA!

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