Saturday, June 2, 2018

And There's Marla Hooch

Players, Bat girls and Marla Hooch
I am sorry that I am just now writing; it's been kind of a busy weekend (my weekend that is because yours probably has one more day to go). Lucky!

Yesterday my dad and I went up to Rockford with my dad for part of the 75th anniversary celebration for The Rockford Peaches' women's professional baseball team. If you're a friend of mine on Facebook you probably saw the photo of me and actress Megan Cavanagh. She played Marla Hooch in the movie about The Peaches, A League of Their Own. She could not have been any nicer. I asked if she could do the Marla Hooch face for the photo. She said, "sure, as long as you do it (the face and stance) with me." So we took the photo after she coached me a little and I did not do the look any justice. That is why she is an actor and I am not. We also met some of the original players and a few bat girls. One of them said she remembered my mom and they had even been talking about her earlier. I am not sure if she was being honest or just trying to make me feel good; either way it was nice to hear. It was a good day.

On the way back from Rockford we stopped by the house that I lived in from about ten months old until I was out of fourth grade. I even remembered the address; 3123 Greendale Drive. We even drove by the elementary school (Swan Hillman Elementary School) that Marc and I walked to every school day. We also drove by the sewer grate that I convince Marc to throw his clothes down. My butt ached a lot for a long time from the belt I took across the backside for that one. I should have been a lawyer for the argument I must have mad to have him take his clothes off and put them down the sewer. What was wrong with me? It must have seemed like a good time at that moment.

Anyway, when I got hole and showed Jill the photos of my house of ill-rep-youth she noticed that it looks exactly the same as the house that my dad still lives in in Boulder Hill. Weird or by design?

Today Jill and I went to see Solo: A Star Wars Story. I have been a big fan of Star Wars since 1978 when Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope came to theaters. Yes, they did episode four first.This new movie (an off-shoot of the saga) was very good; who doesn't like Han Solo and Chewbacca? It was very entertaining. We went to our local theater that has those La-Z-Boy type of chairs so you have to fight to stay awake during the duller moments because you are for comfortable. One beef that I have about those chairs is that it makes it difficult to sip your beverage without spillage. My recommendation to you is to take a bendy straw with you (idea patent pending). Maybe someone in the theater business will read this and I will, in a very small way, enhance the movie-going experience for all of us lazy Americans who need to recline even in theaters.

I cannot get Smash Mouth out of my mind now
What else exciting happened to me this "weekend?" I got some new shoes for work yesterday - not exciting. Just having a four-day weekend every week is exciting enough I suppose.

I am happy that the temperature has come down some. It was getting unbearable with the heat and humidity. It felt like about 110 degrees with 99% humidity at work. Probably some penance to me for the sewer thing.   Oddly, just as I finished that sentence it is POURING outside.

It has come time for me to end this rambling. As always, I thank you for stopping by and trying to make sense of my meandering. I really do appreciate it. TTTWednesday (probably)...MITM (out) TA!

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