Tuesday, March 6, 2018

To Kill A Bloggingbird

It is almost 16:00 and I thought I would write a bit. I have been thinking about my mom an awful lot today being that it would have been her birthday; it will always be the anniversary of her birth.

Last night Noah (Fabio) and I went to the Chicago Bulls' game. We had a great time though the Bulls aren't a very good team right now (in what I saw last night). I would say that they are a team in the midst of rebuilding. I took a nap on the couch yesterday before we went and I took a nap on the very same couch this afternoon. I can't wait until it gets warmer and I can sleep in the hammock on the backyard on some afternoons and frighten the villagers with my snoring. I guess I snore like a bear. I think I have been fighting a cold so I have been tired. I am sure it has nothing to do with my age. I did get a lot of things done yesterday and today while awake.

While doing some of my chores I watched Lincoln (2012) and today I have been been watching (and am currently watching) To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). I love that Robert DuVall (Boo Radley) is in the movie too. Mockingbird is one of my favorite films of all time (probably number one). It has a lot to do with my strong conviction that all people should be treated equally regardless of their: gender, age, race, nationality, shoe size, hair color, ear hair, inseam... (those last few were to demonstrate how ridiculous I feel prejudices truly are). I have always loved that Nell Harper Lee (Scout) and Truman Capote (Dill) were childhood friends and both became two of the greatest writers of all time. There is a book entitled Go Set A Watchman that Harper Lee wrote and was published in 2015. I have the book but have not gotten around to reading it with all of my naps and so forth. I have four novels currently started and hope to be published before I die (if I get around to having the time). Maybe I should get one of them finished so I can watch a movie based on my mattsterpiece while napping.

Tomorrow I start my three-day work week. Then I will have one day off (Saturday) and will begin my new weekly schedule of three-day weeks on Sunday. Right after getting on less hour of sleep because of Daylight Savings Time. Daylight Saving Time is so antiquated in my opinion. I think it made a lot of sense when farmers had to have more daylight to harvest and plant and so-forth but now there are pieces of farm equipment that have flood lights attached and some that can drive themselves while the farmers are still sleeping because they are equipped with GPS and maps of the fields and such. Why do we have all of these technological advances if we are having to figure out what time it is unless we look at our watches or phones that know to switch the times automatically at 2AM?

I guess daylight saving time originally began in 1918 during World War I to conserve coal. I guess the term is actually Daylight Saving and no Daylight Savings so I went back and corrected those errors on my part. This blog is so educational - mostly to me I think. Daylight Saving Time didn't actually become a law until 1968. Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Arizona, American Samoa, Guam and Arizona just do whatever the heck they want because they are smarter than the rest of us.
Another silly day but filmed in Woodstock, IL

One of the things that I am excited about by my new work shift is that Cha Cha and I will will be able to go to the Buddhist Temple in Woodstock (Punxsutawney in Groundhog's Day). I think going there did and will again help me deal with stress and so-forth. I keep most of my stress internalized which is probably very unhealthy but I am what I am and that's all that I am. I do, however, always, strive to be better.

I am going to end now and I will blog again as soon as I can. I almost finished and now Tom Robinson is dead and his mother just found out and I have tears in my eyes. I knew it was coming but it still always gets me. Atticus Finch is a bad-ass and a great role model.

Thank you for stopping by. I will blog again when I can. TTT?...MITM (out) TA!

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