Saturday, March 31, 2018

Always Look on the Blog Side of Life

I haven't blogged in a few weeks. I am not sure why but, for some reason, I have been in a funk. Funk is a funny word. I knew some people, when I was younger, that had the surname of Funk. I think I would like that as my last name; that would be funkadelic. I suppose my funk has something to do with my changing of work shift and the time change? It has been like topsy-turvy town. I can hardly ever remember what day of the week it is right now. We have been working mandatory overtime (one extra 12-hour or 10-hour shift per week) for about two months or so and it, at least this for now, is finally over. I wonder how long this reprieve will last. I may sign-up for some days of overtime but, when I sign up, it will be on my terms rather than having to work the days they assign me. I can even sign-up for half days. It has been nice seeing more of Cha Cha and doing things together.
Since I work tomorrow we are going to lunch, dinner, supper, lupper, linner, dunch... with: my dad, Noah (Fabio), Splenda (Chloe), Andy (we need to get him a blog nickname) today so I can attend. We are all meeting at Maggiano's Little Italy this afternoon. I may take a short nap before then because I am still pretty tired from all of those extra hours at work. I used to work crazy hours with no repercussions but that, eventually, lead me to having health issues which are under control now. Sorry,

I just got a call from my dad asking where the restaurant is (weird timing since I just typed that as he called). I don't know why I apologize because it's not like I am doing a live blog and I walked away for a few minutes.

I am thinking and I may not even take an extra day this coming week and enjoy one 4-day weekend. I have a lot of things that I can get done around the house. Maybe I will wait until like Monday night to make that decision based on what the weather looks like ahead of me. Half-days would not be that bad since I would work 06:00 - 11:00 and be home at 11:12 or so. I have a few days to decide.

I keep wanting to write something political now and again but politics is one of those very volatile topics that you cannot talk about without upsetting someone I think. My dad and I differ greatly on politics so we cannot even talk about that at lupper today. He will try to bait me now and again but I am a smart fish and I know when there's a hook under that worm. Maybe someone else will bring it up and I can just chime in now and again? I think he will be the only one leaning the way that he leans at the table so it would even seem like bullying if we did talk about it. I will stay out of it no MATTer what comes. Isn't that what the 5th Amendment to The Constitution allows us?  It is not precisely about this but I think it gives us the right to not incriminate ourselves. I am not sure if, by merely discussing politics, I am incriminating myself but I am not sure what rule more closely applies here. It does expose me as a bleeding-heart liberal but I am not ashamed of the the fact that I care about other people (even strangers) and things being done to people or animals that they would not have done unto them. I do agree with the conservative side on some things so maybe I shouldn't peg myself as a liberal. I am a liberal-minded person who is willing to cross the line occasionally to make the proper decisions.

My left foot is falling asleep. It's better that one than the other one because there is less to wake-up when my left foot falls asleep. Always look on the bright side of life. That song (that red link) says about everything I believe even though it is difficult to always practice many times.

I think that a great place to end. I will probably not blog again until Wednesday at the earliest. Thanks for hanging in there with me. We are all on this big blue marble together floating through goodness knows what. We don't know how long we will be here or where we might end-up but I am happy I am on this planet with you. Have a great day or two of three or four. TTT?...MITM (out) TA!

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