Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Otis Campbell for One Night

It is so weird having Wednesdays though I will get used to it. I started my new three-day shift on Sunday and I think it went pretty well. I was immediately made a trainer and I trained new employees for the entire week (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday). Now my weekend is here and I have to do a mandatory shift on Saturday and then go right into my regular schedule the following day. The twelve hour shifts versus the ten hour shifts do make a difference on the feet. I may have to get some nurse/doctor shoes are something. I wore tennis shoes two days and then tried my black Nike boots I used to wear when I was still working at the police department. I miss that job but the overnights were killing me. Hopefully, we will be off of the mandatory overtime and I will have four days off every week. I may still sign-up for some ten hour overtime shifts now and again just to make some extra cash while Jill is at work too. I can pick the day I want that way depending on what is going on in my world. That stupid daylight savings time didn't help much as it occurred about three hours before my first day on the new schedule.

Today Jill is in the office so: I did the laundry, went grocery shopping, did the bills (ugh), made dinner (will just need to warm it up when it's dinner time). I have the taco meat prepared, the guacamole is made and in the refrigerator chillin', the rice is ready to be reheated and the corn is celery salted and cilantro'd. So, at this point it's mostly just reheating some items and cooking the shells. 

Last night I drank two bottles of wine (one huge one and one regular-sized one) and I slept like a baby. I guess I was pretty annoying because, what I was told, was that I just kept repeating myself over and over. I suppose I was the Otis Campbell of the house.

 I don't know why I took a photo of the bag 
When I got home from the store I was putting the groceries and I got to a bag with: pepperoni in it and some vitamins and yogurt bites for kids just beginning to eat soft foods, some very expensive looking Jamaican coffee and a few other things. This was not my bag and, for the life of me, I do not know how I got this bag. So, I finished putting away the groceries that I had bought and I re-bagged the stuff I had not purchased and took it back to the store and gave it to the woman working at the courtesy desk or whatever that is called. There was no receipt in the bag so maybe the person who did pay for the stuff will have the receipt and get their stuff back. Even if they don't have the receipt they can probably just tell the person what was in it and get it back. I did not mention the store so that some unscrupulous blog reader doesn't go to get some free Jamaican coffee and take foot out of a toddler's mouth. 

My dad just called and he seems to be doing well though he does sound pretty sad. We are going to get together next week and work-out some things that he is going through with paying the nursing homes where my mom stayed and the funeral and and visitation costs. He also found some stuff from when my mom was the bat girl for the Rockford Peaches women's baseball team (as seen in A League of Their Own).  The 75th anniversary of the Rockford Peaches is this year and they are having  a celebration on May 30th and June 1 through the June 3 at their stadium in Rockford. I have been staying in touch with a guy who read my mom's obituary in The Rockford Register-Star and came to the visitation. My dad has found a few things that I can make copies of and take up there when the celebration happens. It sounds like my dad wants to go to that celebration too so that will be nice. I hope Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Rosie O'Donnell and Madonna make surprise appearances. There going to be showing the movie at dusk at Davis Park in Davis Park in Rockford on June first. I sounds like fun to me. Home run derby, exhibition game... More about that as the date approaches. I hope the mandatory overtime is done for the year by then. It will come again around fall before Christmas time though.

I guess I am done for now. Tomorrow I am going to reorganize my closet among other things. I will probably have time to blog again tomorrow too - whoopee! I want to try to blog more often and this new schedule may help with that. Thank you for stopping in again (or for the first time and if this is your first time please don't make it your last time). Have a great night and I will be back when I am taking a break and I come out of the closet. TTTT (96% of that happening)... MITM (out) TA!

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