Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm Actually Looking Forward to My Doctors' Appointment All of a Sudden

This one is for MADYM (my favorite Italian)
I wish I were of Polish descent so I could tell you to dance around the May"Pole" and you'd have to dance around me singing Let the Sunshine In. You other Middles remember when we were kids and jokes aimed at Polish people were all the rage? Pollack jokes they were called. What was that all about? What did the Poles ever do to warrant all of that? What in the Hell was wrong with our parents?

So, today is May Day! I don't really know what that means either other than the term Mayday from war movies when you were in dire straits you'd call out "Mayday, Mayday" on your radio and hundreds of your friends would show up and save your bacon. I wonder if Osama Bin Laden called out "Mayday, Mayday" a year ago today when he was being taken-out by Seal Team Six and people just thought that he was announcing the day and not calling for help? Can you believe it has been a year since he was killed. We all knew at the time that this would become a huge campaign-booster and most all politicians were totally behind what had been done but now a year later when it is being used to do exactly what any politician would use it for President Obama is being criticized for it and politicians who were praising the act at the time are saying that it was terrible, blah, blah blah... I hate politics! Mayday Mayday...too many politicians.

Sorry I did not blog yesterday but it was a crazy day and the day got away from me. Most of my awake time was editing the Dirty Laundry Podcast which is up now. I mowed the lawn today and listened to the podcast and then I went shopping and listened to the podcast and soon I will go to the doctor because they make me go so I can get my blood-pressure medicine just so they can continue to milk the insurance company even though I am perfectly healthy except having to take the blood pressure medicine that they will hold for random if I do not continue to go in and get weighed and be told how fat I am getting and that I should go have some tests taken that I will say "okay" and then I will throw away the paperwork as soon as I get home. The lawn looks nice though. I still have to do the back because it started raining as I was finishing the front and the side but I had to go get stuff for dinner anyway. Cha Cha and my wedding anniversary was yesterday and I had to work last night so we went out to eat instead and quite a few restaurants were closed because it was Monday and now I will make a proper dinner of deliciousness. I think I listen to the podcast to try to continue to make it better but I may be living the old adage "he just enjoys to listen to himself speak." Check out the podcast (link up there) so you can enjoy listening to me speak too!
I have to hurry to my doctors' appointment

I have to speed this up because I have to get Fabio over to Drivers' Ed. and then get to the doctor. The doctor's office called me yesterday and said, "the doctor only has office hours on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays" so you can reschedule or have the appointment with his assistant Kristin. Firstly, you set the appointment months ago and you didn't know this at the time? Their incompetence never ends. And secondly, not meeting with the doctor I find 67.3% incompetent that I am only using to supply me my drugs (blood pressure meds) and getting examined by the potential next Mrs. Agitator Helser? (my anniversary isn't for another 364 days - get off my back- this chick will be a doctor one day and a lot can happen in a year).

Have you heard that there is a new theory that there was a second shooter in the assassination of Robert Kennedy? What's up with every assassination having conspiracy around it? Other than the fact that assassination in itself is a conspiracy. I don't buy this one...someone is trying to sell a book or a show on The History Channel methinks.

Okay, I have to go get felt-up. Have a great day and thank you for checking me out (that was aimed at Kristin). I appreciate you being here and even if you don't listen to the podcast just head-over to the Dirty Laundry Podcast Facebook Page and "like" us even if it is a fake "like." We are only seven away from 100 "likes" and I am like that fake boy who was collecting business cards on his deathbed (probably just a scam to get business cards so you would be on a stupid mailing list). Wow we're only six away now - Thank you Debbie!!!! TTTT...MITM (out - insert kraut joke here) TA!!!!!!

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