Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My Very First Selfie

My actual swollen, puffy, gross leg
I have been so out of it lately. I forgot to hit "publish" for yesterday's blog so there was no MITM yesterday. I just posted that one now as I noticed my faux pas when I came here to write today's blog. You can either stop now and scroll down to read yesterday's first or just read this one and then read yesterday's after this one. I am sorry to have to make you think even more than usual today. I would suggest reading yesterday's first. Some of the things I wrote yesterday were happening while I wrote them and now it is yesterday's news.

The "scratch" on my leg has gotten worse. I consulted WebMD and it appears that I have poison ivy, sumac or poison oak. The scratch itself has scabbed up and the area directly surrounding it is kind of a white/yellowish color with bumps and such and all around that is a dark red/pink. There are lumps all around it (like bite marks) but I do not read Braille so I am not sure what the message is. My other ankle is pink and bumpy too but not nears as bad as the left one. I love nature but maybe I should wear long pants when traipsing through the weeds in Southern Illinois next time. I found some Benadryl topical ointment and spread it all around and it is helping the itching. I have always liked the word "ointment;" not sure why. Additionally, I am stuffed-up and I think I have two ear infections. I am not sure if that is called a double ear infection because that sounds like it would be two infections in one ear (is that possible?) and these are single ear infections in both ears. Those symptoms, I believe, are separate issues and not related. If I am wrong please consider this blog my last will and testament. The photo up there is before I put any ointment on it; those colors are all generated by my body. So much for me not having an artistic bone in my body. I think that was my very first Selfie!

LOL, as I write this the film Outbreak is on HB2e (I think that is HBO 2 East).

Tonight is my Friday and I have to decide if I think I should go to work I deal with the public at work and I am not sure if I am contagious. I am fairly certain that I am not contagious but, after just watching the last half of Outbreak I am not sure if I should take that chance with other peoples' healths.  Full disclosure - I think I may be able to add diarrhea to the list of symptoms. That one, if it is so, may be a deal-breaker on whether I work tonight or not. I just re-Benadryl'd. I would bet that I will go in tonight.
I just thought about a lot more things about the recent Clippers' racism issue and I have more to say about that and I have seen many similar things in my work-life. I think I may wait and talk about those on the next podcast when we record it tomorrow night. I don't think I am going to drink alcohol for awhile after listening to this week's Dirty Laundry Podcast. Everybody should record themselves while they are tipsy and maybe they wouldn't drink either. Alcohol really adds to dinner tabs too.

It was 26 years ago today Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play that my first wife and I were married. So far I have not started shopping for wife #2 so I guess it is going well. Not sure if she is looking for husband #2 yet but I am very supportive and would assist if that's the way she would like to go. I hope we would still be able to do the podcast should that occur. That is another factor in my decision in calling-off tonight. It would look like I took off for my anniversary though they surely could look at that photo up there and see my main symptom. I guess they don't know that it is my anniversary unless they read this blog. So, maybe about you and seven other people now know.

I am gonna go clean the kitchen and probably lie down so I will be rested for work. It will be a game-time decision whether or not I work tonight but I need to be game-ready. The most current odds are 80:1 that I will work tonight but, remember, odds usually fluctuate just prior to game time. Hold all bets, hold all bets! Thanks a lot for stopping by today. Have a great night. TTTT...MITM (out and ????) TA!

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