Saturday, January 7, 2017

Where's The Blog?

Happy New Year a week late! I am having a rare Saturday off today so thought I would write a blog
today. I love to write the blog but I always seem to have other things that take precedent. Speaking of the precedent, we will have a new one of those here in the U. S. and A. in a couple more weeks - UGH! It will sure be a carnival fun-house for a few years.

I have next Saturday off too (using a vacation day) because we are going to Chicago to see Michelle Wolf at The Hideout in Chicago. Splenda and Andy gave us the tickets for Christmas; they are going with us. You may have seen Wolf on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. She is very funny and we are really looking forward to the show. I used to work in a comedy club for several years and I am a tough critic so, if I say she is fumy, she is funny. I know humor is subjective and we all have different tastes in comedy (as in everything) but I am an expect in the field.

Since I seem to be in the humor portion of the blog... last week (or maybe the week before) Cha Cha and I took the Fiat over to Ralph's Car Wash. It is a local place that does a great job on your car - inside and out. While they were washing the car and vacuuming it out and doing the windows and interior... we went to the end where people wait to get their cars back. We went outside as it was a nicer day and one of the dudes brought a car (a Buick) out. The music was blaring and the lyrics being sung (or rapped) were somewhere between a rating of R or X (at the very least NC-17). The bass was pounding the speakers as the guy was wiping the interior and doing the insides of the windows. The F word was being used rather often and the N word (ending in GA rather than GER) was rapped regularly. Cha Cha and I wondered which person waiting for their car would walk out when the guy signaled that the car was ready to go home. We wondered if the guys doing the car changed the stations and pumped the volume but when our car came out the music was off as it was when we gave them the car. We were the youngest people there but at least a few decades and we had the darkest complexions of all the customers. There was a man just a bit younger than us waiting for his car but he had his two young sons with him so that was doubtful. I saw a lady sitting there who looked like Clara Peller and said the Jill, "wouldn't it be funny if it were her car?" Pretty soon the guy waved that the car was ready and guess whose car it was? She tipped the guy, got in the car and boom, boom, boomed out of the parking lot, GOOD FOR HER! I bet she voted for Hillary and Bernie in the Primaries! Jill and I laughed off-and-on all afternoon about that.
We got a new router to make out house even more internet/WiFi friendly. We want to be able to I have been having a tough time hooking it up as technology has changed since we installed the first one. I worked on it for awhile and realized that the old one was fed by coaxial cable from the satellite dish. The new one, of course, uses Ethernet rather than coax so I have traveled around town trying to fin an adapter that turns a coax female end into an Ethernet female end. I went to Best Buy, Target, Walmart and Radio Shack and nobody has it. I know they exist because I checked online (using access from the coaxial hookup) before I went gallivanting around town. So, I ordered one on line and we will just have to have to deal with the new 2016 version (that is so last week) until we catch up to the 2017 technology.

I have been having problems sleeping again but I think it is because I have been fighting a cold for the past week or so. I have been taking ADVIL PM or ZzzQuil (alternating) at bedtime before bed but I have still been waking-up at 02:00 or 03:00 every morning.  I have been having strange dreams every night too. I guess I would classify them as nightmares though I am not scared of much so they don't bother me. I am really good at steering my dreams while I sleep. I can change the course of my dreams using my mind. I have always been able to do that somewhat but I am really good at it now. One I have had a few times over the last few weeks is like The Sorcerer's Apprentice but with metal folding chairs. I hope I am just about done with this cold but 'tis the season. I have never seen Jeff or my former dogs (Maisy, Ernie, Barney...) sick so why do we say "sick as a dog?" What about sick as a frog? Or sick as an antelope or something?

I am done for today and who knows when I will write a blog again? Maybe tomorrow? I appreciate you being here whenever I do get the urge. Thank you, so much, for that. I hope you're having a great 2017 and have a great what's left of your weekend. TTT?...MITM (out) TA!

Ugly ornament contest at Cha Cha's brother's house tomorrow - I am very hopeful this year. I may even wear my ugly sweater and top hat? TA (again)!

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