Monday, March 7, 2011

MITM Names New Wisconsin Bureau Chief!

Congratulations to Brian for becoming our MITM Wisconsin Bureau Chief
Hey, it's Monday; there's really no more to be said about that. Over the weekend Matt In The Middle proudly hired a new Wisconsin Marketing Manager / Bureau Chief. Thank you to Brian D. for carrying the Matt In The Middle message to the Wisconsin State Capital during one of the country's biggest news stories this weekend. Brian brings his wit and wisdom to a blog greatly lacking both. We here at Matt In The Middle Entertainment Worldwide, Inc. LTD. Co... are proud and honored to have Brian as a member of our award winning-less team. I have shamelessly tried to promote this blog for nearly a year and it is growing slowly (TWSS) but Brian has found a new way to reach more people in a single day than I have been able to reach in a year. One day he'll be running this blog! Is it a coincidence that the Matt In The Middle Facebook page added a new "liker" the same day he posted this photo? I don't think so. Thank you to Teresa for "liking" MITM. The last two that joined before Teresa I did not specifically thank...thank you to Patti and Debbie P for joining the MITM "winners" team. I gave up on that one-a-day plus iron "likers club" but "like really like me." Now I need more "likers" please Facebook "like" Matt In The Middle now!
Get used to it LeBron!

Yesterday Fabio's travel basketball team was able to do something they have not done all year; they won a game. You may or may not have noticed that I have not been mentioning much about his games other than when and where they were played. They have had highlights throughout the season but it has been a tough one in the win column. Yesterday, as the season is winding down, all of the players managed to play good games at the same time (commonly known as team-work). They worked together and played hard (a good sports term here would be "jelled"). Fabio was sick all weekend and I told him that I remember Michael Jordan scoring 70 points in a game when he had a 102 fever. Most inspirational speeches were embellished, right? To the boys' credits they never seemed to get discouraged about being The Bad News Bears of the league this year. I give them a lot of credit. I kept telling Fabio all season that "you learn a lot more from losing than you do by winning." I should know I am a total "learner." That's the opposite of a "Tiger Blood, Winner" right? After the game one of my friends, who is the mom of one of the players and a faithful MITM follower asked me, "is this blog-worthy?" I told here "no" but then changed my mind last night when I heard that some of The Miami Heat players were in the locker room crying yesterday after they lost to the Chicago Bulls. I guess they didn't lose enough as kids. I can't wait to see Da Bulls tonight (or is it Los Bulls?) I just looked it up and Jordan ONLY scored 38 points when he was sick...blogger/father embellishment license. I am not sure if he had a fever though but I know he had flu-like symptoms and possible food poisoning. I am sure a blogger/father started the legend of Paul Bunyan too.

Today is Casimir Pulaski Day in Chicago. Does anyone else celebrate the birthday of the Polish-born Revolutionary War trainer and cavalry man? Speaking of that I missed National Pancake Day last week...sorry. I usually don't get excited until Von Steuben Day honoring Baron Friedrich von Steuben (or Erich Von Zipper) for his services to General George Washington. Fabio is staying home sick today...he's probably faking it because he's a huge closet Pulaski fan. 
Good thing she can drive because she is hideous (on The Munsters maybe)
Did you hear that Danica Patrick finished fourth place in the NASCAR (I don't know if that's even the right term anymore) race this weekend? It was only her 16th race and she has now finished higher than any woman in NASCAR history. I am always a huge fan when people break barriers like this. She seems nice though she is probably not, like most celebs, but she has me fooled. Good luck DanPat (I think I may be the first person to call her that)!         

Is it a coincidence that there is all of the governor/union/collective bargaining/protesting issues going on in Wisconsin the same year that the Green Bay Packers won the Superbowl? Is it further a coincidence that there may be a National Football League lockout this season because of collective bargaining issues? Curiouser and curiouser.

Is this weekend turn the clock ahead an hour weekend? That's gonna play right into my trying not to get any sleep plan very nicely. Gonna have lunch with my mommy today for her birthday. It's the least I can do for the lady who made it possible for me to blog (though she will never read it because the internet is THE DEBBIL!). Have a nice Monday...I am confident that it CAN be done and if anyone can do it, it would be you! TTTT...MITM (out)

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