Saturday, March 5, 2011

I ain't some hula-hoop, chicken neck lookin' jive turkey

Blog/Article...close enough Ed!
I am writing this blog while watching Crank Yankers (one of my favorites linked there) on Netflix. I am not actually watching it while I am on Netflix but it is playing on Netflix while I am watching it. I mentioned Crank Yankers in yesterday's blog and then a few people mentioned that they liked the show and then I decided I hadn't seen it in a while so here I am, Mr. Knee-Jerk Reaction, watching Crank Yankers and blogging. It's nice when Fabio's basketball games are done for the day at 11:00AM. I told you yesterday that this weekend was his last tournament for the season but I forgot that they had one rescheduled from earlier in the season, when the Packers beat the Bears in the play-offs. That tournament is rescheduled for next weekend in DeKalb.

How about the change of temperature in the MIDDLEwest? Last night I walked to the grocery store at around 7:00PM wearing a only a sweatshirt (and pants and shoes and a backpack and one of the spelunking headlamps) and now I can't even walk to the mailbox without a coat. I ain't some hula-hoop, chicken neck lookin' jive turkey. Darned blogging tourettes.

I bought some new Nike socks yesterday and when I put a pair on this morning I found that they didn't have the "L" and the "R" on them. How in the heck am I supposed to figure out which sock goes on which foot? Dang!
Even six-toed cats drink out of the toilet
I wrote a little more of my book last night. While I was trying to channel Mark Twain I think I got my lines crossed and got Ernest Hemingway instead. While working through Hemingway I couldn't help but think about visiting his home in Key West, Florida. My favorite part of his house, besides the six-toed cats (Hemingway cats), was the story of his outside habits. Ernie had the habit of relieving himself out in the back yard. Whatever guy tells you he hasn't done that from time to time is lying. Anyway, his wife told him that if he did not start going numero uno in the toilet there would be consequences (I don't remember what the consequences were). Hemingway, like Twain, was a man after my smart-aleck funny-bone. Do you think he went inside to go pee from there on out or from there on in? Either way you are half right. He mounted a urinal to the tree in the back yard so he could pee in the toilet and still not have to go inside. The urinal is still there next to the swimming pool today. Of course, I had photos taken of me pretending to pee in that urinal but I am too lazy to try to find one to scan to put here right now. I will look and if I find it I will scan it. don't hold your water (I mean breath).

Sugar Momma and I are thinking about going to a movie this afternoon. We are thinking about either Black Swan, The Adjustment Bureau or The Unknown. I really want to see Black Swan but Sugar Momma is afraid that "it's too disturbing." She really wants to see The Unknown. We both think The Adjustment Bureau looks good but I am still pretty pissed that Matt Damon hasn't talked me in what seems like forever. Usually when this happens we end up seeing nothing so I will let you know. This will be the blog cliffhanger of the day. Right now it is Unknown (ha).

I hope you have a great night. I will try to blog again tomorrow but there's Fabio's basketball in the morning and I think I am supposed to work tomorrow night. I have signed up twice (once in person and once via email) but have not been told if I am supposed to work yet. If I don't hear that I am working I guess I will have time to blog...cliffhanger #2...WOW (bonus hanger)! TTTT... MITM off to the movies to blog a MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS tomorrow.

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