Sunday, March 13, 2011

Let's Do the Time Warp Again! (Part Deux)

cue the music
It's Sunday and I'm gonna blog; what do you think about that? I am blogging earlier than usual but later than I usually would all at the same time because the clocks went ahead an hour here. I know I mention it every time this happens (ahead or back) but we really don't need to do this tractors have lights and such (rewind the blog to the last time this happened). We are focusing on passing and/or eliminating legislation that is ridiculous throughout the country and this atrocity is allowed to have always impressed me Arizona and Indiana (most of Indiana) by not buckling under the time-crunch pressure. Time itself doesn't need a is on it's own schedule (wow, that sounds very hippy-ish; I like it).

This weekend I worked a lot. It totally screwed up Sugar Momma and my social calendar because we have always got something going on. Most of the time I feel like Truman Capote....MOST of the time. Friday I went in to work at noon and we were supposed to go out with MADYM and MisterYM to see High R.E.O that night. A Speedwagon cover-band or something.  I am so MIDDLE that I saw R.E.O. when they were R.E.O. so I didn't really care about seeing the band but I like the company that I was supposed to keep that night so I was gonna head to Studio 54 (we call it Starbusters in the MIDDLE of the cornfield) after work. Well, work ended up going until almost 9:00PM and I had to pick up Splenda who rode with friends home from college. I was suppose to take the horse and buggy near the big city of Mankato (that's the Little House on the Prairie equivalent of Chicago). She was supposed to be there at around 10:30-11:00PMish. While I was headed there she texted me that she was gonna be a couple hours later. So, I sat in the 4-Runner in the Arlington Heights Walgreen's until about 1:00AM when they arrived (I think I seriously saw a ghost in the parking lot there - remind me and I will tell you about it later). So then we got back home close to 2:00 AM and I went to sleep and went back into work at 6:30AM where I worked until nearly 9:00PM; screwing up plans with MADYM and MisterYM again when we were supposed to go to Fat Rosie's in St. Chuck (St. Charles is his proper name but we are on very familiar terms - TWHS). They didn't want to eat dinner at 10:00PM? Did they forget who I was? So, my working 14 hours screwed that up too (but - ca-ching). Oh, bother.
Capote and I have the same bike (mine doesn't have that top bar though))

While I was at work yesterday Super Tammy (formerly referenced to as MOD Tammy on MITM) told me that this blog helped her win a recent game of You Don't Know Jack! (not knowing jack and I and this blog have a long history with one another) The question asked something about which famous author was known for having six-toed cats? She knew it because of this blog. Her roommate and a friend of mine, Stacey, asked her, "how in the heck did you know that?" Tammy told her, "because of Matt In The Middle." Stacey said something like, "dang, I knew I should have read the blog today." Let that be a lesson to you MIDDLERS ...miss one MITM and you won't know jack! (strike that...reverse it...maybe). I think it's funny how A LOT of people are referring to me as "Matt In The Middle" rather than my real name...oh no, I have forgotten my real name. I am pretty sure it's not Ernest Hemingway though because I have a six-toed dog with only however many toes a normal dog has. If I had a six-toed cat I don't even know if I would know that.

With all of the running around and very little sleep the last couple of days/nights firstly, I am behind on working out (TWSS) and secondly, last night I slept so soundly that I actually had a dream that i remembered. I wrote it down and it will probably appear somewhere in my book. The dream made me feel guilty this morning though. Why is the main character in our dreams usually us? Maybe it's just me because, as an America male, I think everything is about me. If it's not about me it should be about me. Are the main characters in your dreams you or is it just me? Me, me, me, me, me, me... Okay, enough about me...what do YOU think of me? I have always thought that old joke was funny. Maybe because it's about ME? There's a Charlie Sheen reference somewhere here today...can you find it?

Okay...gotta start getting ready for Fabio's last basketball games of the travel basketball season. I think Splenda might even go. MADYM...if you read this and want to go to Fat Rosie's tonight sex (I mean text) Sugar Momma (Freudian type) because the basketball games WILL be done by 5:00PM and nothing will stop us today (not even me, me, me.... I don't want you guys to think I don't love you anymore because I do. I feel like Dear Matty now. Oh yeah...I love you too for stopping by and reading this today TTTT...MITM (still a little sleepy) TA! (only 19 days until the podcast)
cue the music Hal!

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