Monday, March 21, 2011

Hope Blogs Eternal

Tiger Blood Colada Perhaps?
It's the first full day of Spring and I don't know if it's Spring Fever or the world is finally going to Hell in that hand basket we have been hearing about for decades. Joan Rivers is the new Go Daddy "girl," Helen Thomas is on the cover of April's Playboy magazine and Jimmy Buffet just filed papers to trademark the name Tiger Blood for a new vodka. I guess it's a good year to start a podcast huh?

Sugar Momma and I recorded the entire first Dirty Laundry podcast last night. The show is going to be similar to the Matt In The Middle blog but you will be able to take it with you eventually. Once I get the opening and closing music added I will get it off to our friends at Apple and hopefully get it on iTunes. Spoiler alert from the first Dirty Laundry - Sugar Momma has decided to change her name; maybe I should leave it at that so you tune into the podcast to hear what she has decided to change it to. It is our attempt to keep the show to 30 minutes. After we recorded it last night we listened to the whole show and it seemed entertaining and I even knew what we were going to say. I cannot wait for the launch (or lunch). The show is only going to be once a week so I will probably continue to do the blog but we'll see how that goes. I do enjoy writing and this is pretty much like a time capsule digital journal so my descendants can make fun of me in the future. Isn't that what life (or death) is all about?

What is the deal with all of the teachers in the Chicagoland-area having indecent relations with students lately? When I say "all" of the teachers I mean "the many" teachers that have been reported in the news lately. Most teachers know where that line is and they don't cross it. Spring Fever makes even teachers twitterpated it seems. Do you think Twitter stole their name from Thumper? I create my own confusion most of the time.
Hair (all hair) was a big deal in 1981
My 30-year high school reunion is this year; pretty soon I am going to have to change the name of this blog to Matt In The Old Folks Home or Matt In The Wheelchair or Matt In The Middle of Florida or Arizona Because His Old Bones Cannot Handle The Cold Anymore. The reunion committee is working tirelessly to track down as many people from our graduation class as they can. Facebook is a big help and so is, what I call, The Faberge Organics Method of Communication. It's kinda like the MIDDLE-aged game of telephone before we had cell phones. We're from the 1980's what do you expect? The young ladies that are organizing the reunion and doing the legwork (ALL of the work, in fact) are doing a tremendous job. Thank you on behalf of all of us watching from the sidelines who will criticize you later no matter how perfect you make it. Seriously though, if you know anyone who graduated from Oswego High School in 1981 and bucked the odds and lived this long tell them to get ahold of me here. "This has been a public service announcement from Matt In The Middle...because we care!"

I just went through my blogbook and saw that I had written "Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant." When the reports of the Japanese nuclear plant that was hit my the recent tsunami/earthquake (I cannot believe we haven't nick-named this tragedy yet - we love our nicknames and catch-phrases) they were reporting on all of the nuclear plants in the USA and someone mentioned this one. Why would you put a nuclear plant in a place named after the devil? Aren't you just asking for trouble? I guess if you're going to name a nuclear facility after Satan it makes sense to put it near The San Andreas and The Hosgri Faults now that I think of it.

Fabio is on Spring Break this week so I guess I had better figure out a way to entertain him. How about a trip to the book store and then the grocery store with me? 14-year-olds hate technology and would much prefer a good book right? My guess is that I will be going alone. Enjoy your first full day of Spring; hope eternal! I will blog you tomorrow and I will try to get the Paul movie review done today too over there at MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS. TTTT...MITM (audi)

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