Monday, December 6, 2010

If You've Gotta Miss Just One Blog - This is the One!

Can you hear me now?
I was in a pretty good mood today. Pretty, pretty, pretty good. I don't know why but I was. It didn't start out that well. I was up at 2:00 and still up at 3:30 but then laid down and watched tv knowing I would probably fall asleep but knew my cell phone alarm was set. Well, 7:15 came and no alarm but I woke up. Fabio's bus comes at 7:02 so I knew that was out of the question so I had to try to get him to school by 7:45. If it were just problem but he had to take a shower, blah, blah, blah and I got him to school at 7:55. Sugar Momma called the school and spoke to someone and they called and left me a message that he had an unexcused tardy...his first one ever so who cares? The reason the alarm didn't go off his because I have a T-Mobile Sidekick and it sucks from time to time. I was told by the T-Mobile store that the Sidekick is designed to be used with the internet feature and since I don't have that on my phone it is constantly searching for the internet signal and crashes from time to time and I lose everything. So, as soon as our contract runs out we are switching carriers because that's how I roll. Any suggestions would be good but we are leaning toward A T & T. I rue technology. Maybe I should start blogging by chisel and stone tablet - okay maybe I like technology A LOT! Cancel the rue. So the day started out hectic but I have been in a good mood all day anyway. I have three alarms set for tomorrow because I am a total knee-jerk reaction kind of guy.

Sugar Momma is in Chicago tonight for business (TWSS) and won't be home so it's just me and Fab. "Please return your toilet seats to the upright position..." After his games tonight (Fab's team won both in the Cross Cornfield Classic) we went to Buffalo Wild Wings. They have an awesome BOCA burger and I get the medium (MIDDLE) wing sauce to go with it. Then we went to Farm & Fleet and got Fab some snow pants / bibs and a pair of winter boots. He loves to be outside in the winter. all year long actually.

My left arm is still hurting a little bit (the veins I think) but I am not as sore from working out as I thought I would have been. I ached a little last night but now it's all good. Do you know why the cookie went to the doctor? (answer later)

Remember that I thought I got such a great deal on the Tommy Bahama cologne? Sugar Momma thinks it's because it's not as popular as it was the last time I bought it. She can't just let me think that I an awesome big game bargain hunter. I don't care as long as I smell like I want to and it costs less; I have hardly been at the forefront of style or nasal fashion.

A couple of days ago Chicago Cubs announcer and former Cubs third baseman Ron Santo died. I am a St. Louis Cardinals fan which is the equivalent of an anti-Cubs fan but I have always been a Ron Santo fan. Truth be blogged when I was a kid I was surrounded by Cubs fans and until I knew better I guess I was a Cubs fan. Then when I got some sense I was a Cincinnati Reds "Big Red Machine" fan and then graduated to the Cardinals where I still am today. I have never admitted that I was ever a Cubs fan until right now. This is like a Chicago Cubs Anonymous meeting. Hello my name is Matt Helser and I am 41 year clean from being a Chicago Cubs fan. Ron Santo was my second favorite Cub. Don Kessinger was my favorite because he was married to my mom's cousin or something so I felt I had to like him but I always remember Ron Santo. He was a great fielder and he was one of the best Cubs announcers of all time. Hard to top Jack Brickhouse, Harry Carey or Steve Stone though. Kind of a lame tribute to Ron Santo I guess but he will be missed. It is sad that he is gone but he lived 70 years with some pretty bad health problems; I was surprised every year when I would hear his voice on the radio again. R.I.P Ronny!

Sorry this was such a lame blog. I guess I don't blog as well when I'm in a good mood. Come on get crabby! I will try to shake this good mood before tomorrow's blog. There's no way in the world that I will be in a good mood two days in a row. Actually I am always in a pretty good mood come to think of it; idiots are too dumb to know they shouldn't be in good moods. Enough from me for today. Oh yeah, the cookie went to the doctor because he felt crumby - OMG I kill me! TTTT...MITM off (just a bit).

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