Friday, January 25, 2013

Spray the Blog Before You Go...

I am not much of a beer drinker but I drink beer now and then. I am more of a margarita, mai tai, bloody mary kinda guy. I like to get my fruits and vegetable while I drink. There is a new beer that I want to try. I am worried that AC/DC may be short on money so I may look for their beer. They should have been smart and put it in a Foster's Lager sized can; capitalize on the Australia deal. There hasn't been an Iron Man movie out for awhile. And, they are now available on iTunes. They must need money so I guess I will drink their beer to help them out. Poor lads. I mean Dirty Laundry Podcast is on iTunes for cryin' out loud. Ours is free though - we are richer than AC/DC I think.

Hey the Screen Actors Guild Awards are coming soon. That's good because I just starting to forget how much they think they're better than we are. That reminds me of how happy that I am that American Idol's ratings are down 19%. I cannot believe it took this long.

I just saw what Facebook friends have birthdays coming up and I was really surprised at what I learned. I found out that I am friends with quite a few people I don't think I have ever met. Several that, even after looking at their profiles and photos, I am still not even sure who they are.

I just searched the television guide on the TV (I bet TV Guide hates that all of the satellite providers made them pretty much obsolete) and saw that Betty's White's Off Their Rockers is coming up at 7PM. I tried to watch that before and Betty White and her geriatric friends are no Ashton Kutchers. The only thing smart about the show is the time slot. It's on Friday night and that's when only old people and losers watch television so you may as well gear your programming to your demographic. The show is terrible. The premise is good because who suspects old people punking you but the pranks and the acting are really bad. Hey wait, if only old people and losers have seen this show... Yeah, but... I can watch crappy things because it's part of my job as a blogger and a world-famous podcaster I watch the crap so you don't have to. You're welcome!

Have you heard of Poo-Pourri? One of their scents is called Deja Poo. Another is called Scent of the Wild. Are you kidding me? Isn't just Glade good enough anymore? Where do they sell it Spencer's Gifts?

Speaking of pieces of crap I heard that they are looking to make the book Fifty Shades of Grey into a movie. Smart to do it right away before the hypnosis wears-off and the women who read it realize what a piece of Poo-Pourri it is.

Wow, speaking of pieces of crap today's blog is done for today. I started one and, as usual, didn't know where I was going with it and I ended up finding what I wasn't looking for. I think that makes sense in my own weird way. The best thing about today's blog are: it is over and, the next one will be better. You should always strive to get better and by setting the bar low you are certain of success! Thanks a lot for dropping in (that was not a poo joke until I said that it was not a poo joke then I guess it becomes a poo joke). Last night at work I spent seven hours outside in the freezing snow so I am looking forward to work tonight. Have a great warm night and I will probably not blog again until Monday so have a super-pooper weekend. TTT?..MITM (ghost) TA!

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