Friday, January 18, 2013

Education By Accident

I may be getting sounding old but when did turn signals become an option on vehicles? I don't care what you do when it doesn't impact someone else but when someone else is waiting to see if you are turning before they go and you are so rude that you cannot push down a little handle to the left of your steering wheel I go all Hannibal Lector. Not the killing and eating you Hannibal but the one who abhors rudeness.

Pauline Esther Friedman died yesterday (Abigail Van Buren - where the heck did that name come from?). How come Ann Landers (not sure what her real name was) died 11 years ago? So much for identical twins. I know that Ann was born 17 minutes before Pauline (Abby) but that 17 minutes cost Ann 11 years.

I didn't even know I had a channel called World Harvest Television (WHT) until yesterday. I saw that The Roy Rogers Show was on so stopped in to check it out. Then, after The Roy Rogers Show was over, there was a voice (with the words also printed on the screen) that said "the following  program is an educational informational program designed to reach children 16 and under." Guess what came on next? It was The Lone Ranger. That is an educational show now? I smell a scam to get funding for calling The Lone Ranger an educational show. I suppose all television shows are educational in one way or another. If you think about it we have learned something from every show we have ever watched. We may have learned that the show stunk or that we just wasted a half-hour of our lives or something along those lines but we did learn something didn't we? I am not talking about The Roy Rogers Show or The Lone Ranger because those shows did not stink. Now it makes sense that The Walt Disney Company made the upcoming movie The Lone Ranger; Disney is about kids and kids need educations and The Lone Ranger, as it turns out, is educational. It all makes sense now. Imagine how educational The Cisco Kid must have been. Man we learned a lot on Sunday mornings back in the 1970's and we didn't even know it (even though these shows were from the 60's I think).
No wonder I am so smart

Fabio turns 16 in four days. And then Splenda turns 21 exactly two weeks after that. I may have mentioned it here before but their birthdays being exactly two weeks apart. Not that interesting until you you know that our wedding anniversary is April 30th - just about nine month before this time on the calendar. When the end of April / beginning of May comes a knockin'...

Speaking of Fabio's birthday he and I are going to the Lakers-Bulls game next week. He's really excited. The last Bulls game we went to was the play-offs two years ago and we had standing room only seats; I was amazed I got play-off tickets at all. We did manage to find a couple of seats in the very last row way up top. Cha Cha doesn't want to go and that is good because it only cost me one and arm this way and if I had to decide how to pay for the third ticket I am not sure if I would give up the other arm or the other leg. Maybe the other leg to the knee and the other arm to the elbow so I wouldn't look so weird.

I need to end now because I have to go get Fabio from the trainer. My work-out twice a week is trying to get him moving to get there. Thanks for hanging your hat here for a bit. I am not sure when I will blog again; maybe Monday or maybe before. In the meantime if you need a MIDDLE-fix check out the podcast - Dirty Laundry Podcast, TTT?...MITM (out)

Hit it Roz!

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