Sunday, January 20, 2013


So yesterday was Edgar Allan Poe's birthday. For the second year in a row I forgot to get to Baltimore with my cognac and roses. I keep getting confused by his headstone. He was born on January 19th but his headstone at his home says October 8th. I will have to try again next year - never say "never more." I am not saying that I am the Poe Toaster but I am not saying that I am not the Poe Toaster. Let's just say the craziness has to die down before the Poe Toaster returns. Why do they care so much who I am he/she is? Maybe he/she just misplaced my  his/her white scarf?

Yesterday I blogged and today I am blogging. What in the heck is going on? That wasn't rhetorical - what is going on? Blogging on most of the world's weekend? I think it may be that today is my Friday for this week because I took a vacation day tomorrow. And, just like the vacation days that I took last month, I do not lose a vacation day because it falls on a holiday. I love working for the state so we get so many paid holidays. We work every day of the year because that's what it's like in the life saving / preservation business but if we work the day of a holiday we get paid the holiday pay plus the hours we work that day. In this case I get paid for only the holiday hours and don't lose the vacation hours. That may be repeating the same thing twice but it deserves repeating.

Fabio finally decided where he want to have dinner on his 16th birthday this week. Ed Debevics? No. Morton's Steakhouse? No. Ditka's? No. Buffalo Wild Wings? Yes. It's his decision and I guess I should be happy I don't have to leave town and it will probably save me at least $150 by not going to one of those other places. Now I have to decide between the fish tacos (what guy doesn't enjoy a good fish taco now and then?) or Buffalitos.

Fabio had thought about wearing his Kobe Bryant jersey to tomorrow night's Bull-Lakers game. His favorite team is the Bulls but he has an authentic Kobe jersey. I had to advise against it as there are certain places you will have a better time if you don't wear the away teams garb - The United Center (Bulls and Blackhawks both) is one of those places. He is a person, unlike his father, that doesn't like attention and this would give him LOTS of attention. He decided to wear one of his many Joakim Noah Bulls shirts/jerseys. Good choice young man. I usually get a lot of attention at Cubs - Cardinals games at Wrigley Field because I always wear my Cardinals gear but I don't mind being called names and having stuff thrown at me. I just start mentioning 1908 and they usually shut-up. For a little while anyway.

Boy, they sure are talking a lot about Die Hard 3 on the 49'ers - Falcons game. I am guessing Fox has something to do with the film. I am sure movies make enough to buy such expensive advertising. Do films get a cut on the popcorn and soda and Jujubees and Raisinettes? I noticed the last time we went to the movies that there were Hobbit cups and Skyfall popcorn bags. What are they hoping? That some moron who writes a blog and does a podcast may talk about them? Nobody is stupid enough to fall victim to that you morons!

Thinking about holidays makes me wonder? Who decided that things like Martin Luther King's birthday always be celebrated on a Monday? I think his birthday was last Tuesday. Why didn't we celebrate it last Monday? Why didn't we celebrate it on the day of his date of birth? How come Jesus is so special? (step back in case of lighting) Why does Christmas get celebrated on his birthday? Wait, that may be a scam decided by someone else too. There has been talk lately that Jesus may have been born in September. Were they just trying to spread the holidays out throughout the year? Isn't September Labor Day or Memorial Day or something? I think we need to reevaluate the holidays. I want to put together a committee to realign the holidays. I am sure they space them out because of government and businesses or something but who gets to decide those things for us?

Food just magically appeared at our front door so I am gonna go eat whatever arrived. Have a great day / night. Thank you for stopping in. I probably won't blog tomorrow because it is gonna be a busy one. Who knows though I may surprise us. If you haven't heard the Dirty Laundry Podcast yet please check it out - you could have been listening to it the entire time you read this blog if some moron would have mentioned it at the beginning of the blog. TTTT or T or W...MITM (from downtown) TA!

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