Thursday, January 17, 2013

Appetizers Are Killing Our Planet

Who in the heck "invented" appetizers? What a scam. If you're sitting down to eat you probably have an appetite. Even if you don't why would you have to eat something to decide it's time to eat? Was it some restaurant who wanted to "up-sell" and get more money from you? Was it someone who had a big dinner cooking and wanted to make the guests something because of their poor planning in not having the meal ready on time? How many times have you ordered an appetizer and then had to take part of your meal home in a Styrofoam container or a box? Appetizers are killing our planet with leftover containers. Even when we order huge pizzas now they want us to get jalapeno bites or cheese nuggets or bread-sticks... No wonder we are a country full of fat people with no money. I can use those terms without being prejudice because I am one of them. Maybe guns and Lance Armstrong aren't the real problem?

I am tired of getting Twitter "followers" who are either trying to sell me things or peddling their vaginas or penises. I get all excited that I get new followers but then I look at their profiles and see an ad for "job opportunities" or photos of "themselves" half or fully nude and telling me what they want me to do to them or what they want to do to/for me. I immediately block them and report them as spam but I am sure that is a waste of time. Why am I surprised that this has become what it is? All social media is pretty much a watering hole full of wildebeest waiting for the pride of lions to show up and devour us. I am a wildebeest that is tired of it and it's time for we, the wildebeests, to be the hunters!

I am in some sort of a mood aren't I? So far I have hated on appetizers, restaurants, Styrofoam, litter, Twitter, lions, opportunists, whores, salespeople, jalapeno bites, cheese nuggets, Lance Armstrong, guns... Maybe I need to change gears though I am feeling better getting that off my fingers.

Speaking of fingers - if we weren't meant to pick our noses and our ears why are our fingers the perfect circumference to do just that? FYI - I just thought about that while scratching the inside of my right ear not my nostril.

After Jodie Foster's Golden Globes Awards speech everybody is talking about her insinuating that she is gay. Seriously? I thought that has been general knowledge for the past twenty years or so. Am I wrong? Didn't we all know that? The Lance Armstrong thing too. Some people seem surprised that he was 'roiding it up. Maybe I am just hyper-perceptive or something.

How come the Christian Mingle date site has pop-up adds with large-breasted women in bikinis? I realize Christians come on all sizes and packages but... I guess it is a dating site and I imagine guys aren't looking for a Bible study partner.

Have you heard about Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o's story? He played in the his final college football games of the season after his grandmother and girlfriend died within hours of one another back in September. It seemed to be a story of a guy pushing through his pain because his teammates and the school were counting on him and he had promised his girlfriend that he would play no matter what happened to her. How does that promise even come up between two healthy college students? He was a candidate for the Heisman Trophy and played in the college football National Championship. Now it sounds like "he met the girl on-line" and the inspirational, heartbreaking story was a hoax (at least part of it). Supposedly he met the girl in California after a game against Stanford. I am not going to go through the entire story. Here is a link if you want to read the timeline because it is interesting now in hindsight and was when it seemed inspirational too. Now, it seems, the girlfriend never existed. Did he make her up to make an inspirational fake story to gain recognition and become a hero to raise his story for The Heisman and maybe for an NFL job? Was he hoaxed by someone on-line? I have my opinion and I think he premeditated and faked the whole story of the girlfriend. It sure is a twisted story and someone made-up the girlfriend whether he was scammed on-line or he scammed the entire nation.

Make sure you listen to Dirty Laundry Podcast is you haven't already. Have a great Thursday and remember your weekend is almost here (at least some of you). Thank you for reading the blog (if you do exist) and for listening to the podcast. If you had to choose one I would pick the podcast; you can do that while you're driving or whatever it is that you do. With iTunes everything is possible. TTTT (79%)... MITM (out to invent a girlfriend to get some internet sympathy - allegedly). TA!

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