Friday, November 2, 2012

What would you do if you had a FREE hour?

Tomorrow night Daylight Savings Time ends. I am not going to go off on my jag about how Daylight Savings Time is stupid. It was very healthy, wealthy and wise when Benjamin Franklin thought of it because farmers needed the extra daylight to plow their fields with oxen and horses but with the GPS systems in the air conditioned tractors with lights that could light up New York City we really don't need Daylight Savings Time anymore. I guess telling you that I wouldn't complain about it sorta complained about it huh? Anyway, tomorrow night / Sunday morningI have to work an extra hour because 2AM or 3AM or whatever hour we repeat happens twice. So, I get to work nine hours instead of eight but the great part is that I get an hour of overtime. Hey, why don't we send a bunch of combines to New York City to light it up? Nevermind, they wouldn't be able to fuel them up. I am trying to remember if I was ever working during the time change before and when I worked at the comedy club we were usually out of there by about 1:30AM so I don't think I have. When I work the Spring Ahead one do I only get to work 7 hours that night? I suppose so but then I am still ahead 1/2 hour's pay on the year right?

Have you seen all of the fight over fuel on the east coast? If this is any indication of what it's going to be like on December 22nd I am not really looking forward to it.

This feels like a Saturday. Fabio only had a half day of school for some reason or another and Cha Cha took a day off work. It seems like she is feeling better. I am still fighting the residual effects of this cold and she seems fine. I guess her taking a few days off of work to sleep and let the cold run it's course faster was wiser than me continuing to work and stay sick. So I get to use the phrase healthy, wealthy and wise again. Wealth in health and wisdom that is.

I heard that Montgomery Burns of The Simpsons is voting for Mitt Romney. Clint Eastwood, Lindsay Lohan, Meatloaf and Monty Burns. How can he lose with a stellar line-up like that? Meat Romney, LOL. I know you probably think I am making up the Mr. Burns endorsement so HERE IS THE VIDEO that proves it. Vote wisely on Tuesday Americans. Do the right thing Wisconsin, Ohio and which ever MIDDLE states are still swing states. Do the MIDDLEwest proud! What state do the Simpsons live in again?

I listened to the new Dirty Laundry Podcast last night and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out for two sick people doing it (the podcast that is). I was worried that it wasn't very good but it is pretty good. I am very excited to have filmmaker John Borowski back out to be on the show again this next week. If you are looking to camp-out for photos and autographs he will be here Sunday or you could just go to The House Cafe in Dekalb Sunday at 5PM and meet him and talk to him and watch his films. Check out the House's website...the John Borowski appearance is partially brought to you by Dirty Laundry Podcast - we're show promoters now too I!

I think I am going to lie down a bit. I am gonna try Cha Cha's theory of resting to get rid of this cold. I always admit that she's smarter than me but then I forget it and she reminds me by her example. Have a great weekend; I doubt that I will blog again until Monday. If I do I will let you know. Thank you for stopping in and if I don't talk to you before the extra hour tomorrow night - use that extra hour to solve world hunger or cure a disease or something. I would but I will be working - it's all on you! TTTM?...MITM (gone) TA!

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