Saturday, June 11, 2011

To Blogfinity and Beyond!

Good morning Hal!
I am going to do a remake of the song Welcome to the Jungle but make it Welcome to the Rain Forest (thanks Roz). The MIDDLEwest has become the rain forest. This morning Fabio has a baseball game and at least the rain forest here won't be too bad because the humidity won't seem as bad with it being only 60 degrees out.

I had so much to blog about but I cannot remember most of it. I do remember one thing, ironically. Why ironically? Because it's about memory. We think our memories are getting worse as we get older because that's part of growing older. I think our memories are getting worse because computers don't make it necessary to remember anything. Despite spell-check I am still a very good speller but I cannot remember anyone's telephone number. If you see misspelled words here (every blog) it's generally because of typos and trying to go too fast more than spelling errors. I don't have to remember how to read because of the reading devises. I don't have to remember to watch the NBA Finals because my television remembers to record it for me. I don't have to remember that one day robots will be in charge of everything because my phone and my television and my car telling me that I only have 27 miles before it runs out of gas... remind me of that everyday. They constantly remind us of all of the stories from when we were kids about robots running the world. Robots do run the world and it isn't as bad as they said it would be....yet! It's glorious (I have to say that)

While I write the blog everyday I put my entire iTunes library on shuffle and let Roz play what she thinks I would like to hear (robot). I only have three The Shins songs in me entire library of hundreds of songs and she played one yesterday while I blogged and today, right now, she is playing New Slang by The Shins. What are you trying to tell me Roz? She answered right now by saying "despite all my rage I'm still just a rat in a change" (Bullet with Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins). Maybe I will get shin-splints soon? Maybe it's not Roz - maybe it's Steve Jobs and this Mac (even he has a name - Mac N. Tosh). I think this may have been how the idea for Toy Story must have started. Or maybe Robots but I never saw that one.

Tomorrow is podcast recording day and I am very excited that we have a world-renowned Chiropractor and all-around great guy as our guest. He also happens to be a very good, long-time friend; why else would he be on our podcast? The next four shows we have four great guests from very diverse and interesting backgrounds. If you're interested you can read about these upcoming guests on our Dirty laundry (podcast) Facebook page in the "Discussions" area. I also have an idea for another guest that will be very interesting for all of you "MIDDLEaged and beyond" listeners. It will be somewhat of a history lesson for some of you younger listeners and an "I remember exactly where I was when that happened" moment for the rest of us. We need some good female guests (Fiddlesworth was the only one so far). Ideas? Victims Volunteers?

I am gonna go downstairs now and make a pot of oatmeal for the gang. I am going to do it myself rather than have that microwave robot machine do it for me. I am not knocking machines (robots) because without them I couldn't do this blog or the podcast and those are two of my favorite things to do. Yes Roz, you are one of my favorite things too. (tlover t'nseod ehs os taht reh llet ot evah I) - hopefully she doesn't figure that very basic code out though spell-check is telling me that I'm an idiot with all of the red squiggles. You are very wise spell-check.

Have a great Saturday in the MIDDLEwain forest or wherever you are and thanks for stopping by again. TTTT (or M) ... MITM (!!!EM EVAS)

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