Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Universal Blog that Animates and Binds All Things!

It is Saturday morning and sunny - what a great combination. Do you think if it were a great day when they decided to name the days of the week today would be Sunday? I know "sunday" comes from Greek meaning the Lord's day but "sun" is in there. I just saw a movie that I hadn't seen in awhile and it gave me what I feel is the perfect definition of "God" for me. It didn't resonate with me the first time I saw this movie but I must be in a different place in my life and mind from when I saw it the first time. The definition of God that I am going to use from here-forth until I see a movie with a better definition for me or I am convinced differently is, "The universal spirit that animates and binds all things in existence." I think that may, in some ways, define most religious and belief systems at their core. Probably not but that's how I feel and this is my blog so that is the law!!! (just kidding - believe what you want to believe :)

Baseball season is underway and Fabio has baseball "evaluation" Monday night. Baseball is his favorite sport and the one that he is best at (I love ending sentences with prepositions because that's what I'm good AT). It (baseball, not ending sentences in prepositions) is my favorite sport too. I think for me, though I was a good baseball player, it is more about the weather and the smells of freshly-mowed grass and the laughter... I have coached baseball off and on (mostly on) from the time I was a freshman in college. I coached young kids T-ball for the Aurora Park district and The Batavia Park District back in 1983- 1985? And I have coached my kids through their growing years: I have been a baseball coach for most summers for over 25 years (cripes). I decided that I don't really want to coach this year. I love the coaching part but it is at the point now where the parents are hard to deal with or maybe my understanding of people has changed. I am a competitive person by nature but when it comes to kids I think it should be more about fun. There's plenty of sleepless nights and ulcers awaiting them in the "real adult world" and I think kids should be kids. I agree winning is more fun than losing but life isn't about winning for most of us; it's about coping with our minor losses, dusting ourselves off, getting back up and trying to do better next time to eventually succeed. Fabio starts high school later this year and he will learn these lesson beginning then. Anyway, one of the guys that runs park district sports has called me from the park district and left me a message. I returned his call and got his voice mail. I know what it's about (I assume) - he wants me to coach. I will listen to him and discuss it but I want to enjoy the summer; I will help but I don't want to coach. It will do Fabio good to be coached by someone else while I can still be there to help him because next year I am afraid I will just be one of the dads who thinks he knows everything because he coached park district baseball (probably longer than his coach will have been alive). I imagine by Monday or Tuesday I will be blogging that I am coaching because I am a "Mr. Softee" which is why I am where I am in life (with a great family and great friends living THE MIDDLE LIFE); I wouldn't want it any other way!
So much better than "the ding-ding man"

Thanks for the introspective therapy session. You are remarkably good at listening and letting me counsel myself. I truly appreciate it and always love your feedback. It isn't anything that I figured I'd blog about today but it helps me to get it out of my system even if it's via my slow-typing finger tips.

Sugar Momma Cha Cha is in the mood to "do something" today. Why don't her moods and my moods ever have the same ideas of "doing something?" I am always open to doing just about anything unless it's coaching baseball, at the moment. Tomorrow we will "do" our next Dirty Laundry podcast - "do listen" to it if you haven't. I will blog you tomorrow - maybe even while I am podcasting (blogcasting). Multi-tasking. we have our very first podcast guest tomorrow so I guess I should probably pay attention. Until tomorrow...have a great Sunny Saturday. I'll blog you again tomorrow. TTFN (TT)...MITM (out of the coaching game...or is he?)

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