Monday, April 11, 2011

Move Along...Nothing to Read Here!

Good day to you! I took the week off from blogging: sorry if you were looking for me.
What Up Dawgs?

Saturday I worked at a dog show and that was interesting. I arrive before everyone else and it's usually very quiet since I am one of the people who turns the lights on and sets up for the events. As I walked into the arena it was anything but quiet. It was like the scene from Disney's Lady and the Tramp when the dogs were barking messages across London about the missing puppies. Dogs were barking everywhere. During the show I noticed all of the same things that I remembered from last year. A great number of people who show dogs resemble their dogs and dogs are prejudice I think. Certain breeds of dogs tend to bark at certain other breeds. I don't know if they're yelling at them or they see a dog that's from the same country as them and they speak the same language but it is very curious to me. Can Poodles (from France) speak to German Shepards? Would Yorkshire Terriers be okay with our dog? She's a YorkiePoo so maybe they don't like that she's bi-canine? It's funny how we like to put human traits on animals and inanimate objects I think. The toaster probably does the same thing about us.
Si, so low we can't hear you!

We have lived in our current house for about seven years (that's 49 in dog years). When we moved in we put the things we knew we would need in their respective rooms in the house and began living our lives here. One of the options we added when we built the house was the "all-seasons room" which we call the "Tiki Room." Beneath the Tiki Room we have a mini crawl-space area. It has a concrete floor and the things we didn't know what to do with right away: the holiday decorations, the keepsakes... went into the crawl space. For some reason, about five days ago, I decided it was time to help Goodwill out and see what treasure was buried beneath the Tiki Room. I took the weekend off but I was back down there early this morning and the crawl space looks actually could be a bedroom for a severely vertically-challenged person. The clearance is about three feet. I have actually found quite a few things that we thought were missing. Cha Cha got a seven-year-old brand new pair of shoes out of the deal. Once I get done down there (probably today or tomorrow) I have to tackle the garage so we can get the boat back in there. I am starting to wonder why I didn't call Jackii of All Trades.The moral of the story is live somewhere where you don't have cold winters and don't ever move. If I had to live life over again those would be my main focuses of life - nice weather area and no moves!

I suppose I should get back to it but I wanted to spend a bit talking to you in hopes that I would snap out of the funk I am in. I think I am still trying to recover from lack of sleep this weekend. Maybe it's spending too much time in the dungeon. I am just going to say that I am bi-polar because that seems to be the new catch-phrase for anybody who is grumpy. Maybe I am just gonna be a grumpy old man. I need to keep better company I think. I spend way too much time alone; at least I am qualified for that. I will be in a better mood tomorrow - I promise. If not, I will fake it (TWSS). All right... Hey you kids...get out of my blog! TTTT...MITM (down to the depths of beneath the planet of the tiki room)

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