Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another Vegetarian Bologna Blog

There's always time for Dirty Laundry!
Good Humpday morning to ya. While I was logging in this morning to type this for you I noticed that this is my 369th blog; I have been doing this for over a year and I missed my own anniversary. It's just like a guy to forget his anniversary. I am downloading the second episode of Dirty Laundry (the podcast) right now; it should be up before 10:30AM or so MIDDLEtime (TWSS). Remind me in 50 weeks that it will be our one-year anniversary there. It seems to be a morning of numbers for me; I just found out that Dirty Laundry is the 11,532nd-ranked podcast on Podomatic. I don't know how good or bad that is but they have something that looks like the stock market index and Dirty Laundry has a green arrow with a 36 next to it so I guess we have moved-up 36 spots. Thank you for listening and making that green arrow possible. Something called House Music London Style is number one - watch out London there's a new podcast in are soon gonna be run-over by America's Dirty Laundry. I am listening to the podcast right now via Roz; hopefully soon it will be available on iTunes.

I said yesterday that I was going to blog today about Facebook and apps. while I was watching The Kennedys the other night I noticed a commercial as I was zipping by that said to download the The Kennedys app. I try not to download too much because I am a germ-a-phobe (viruses) so I don't know exactly what this app is but I cannot imagine it's something I need. I know these apps as well as the Facebook pages we "like" and "follow" is the new way of marketing and selling stuff we don't need to us. I get more junk email now than I ever have before and I know it's due to my Facebook preferences. I just move them to my "junk" folder and wait for the sender to figure out a way around my roadblock. It's actually pretty smart on their parts because they are targeting the people who "like" similar products and we are all busy whizzing by all of the commercials these days. Between that and product-placement (Chevy in Hawaii Five-0) idiots (me, for instance) who have blogs everywhere are probably talking about products.
Terri Hatcher - best Lois Lane ever!!!
Did you hear that scenes from the new Superman: Man of Steel movie are going to be filmed in little Plano, Illinois? Nothing this exciting has happened there since Larry the Cable Guy came to town to film Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector. I missed that one. It pays to sttay rural if you want to attract some Hollywood money. I am guessing Plano is not going to be part of Metropolis rather where Ma and Pa Kent live huh? If you are not familiar with Plano it is near Sandwich, Illinois. When I was a kid one of my favorite jokes was that there was gonna be a new town between Sandwich and Plano called Bologna. That way when you drove out that way you would drive through Plano, Bologna, Sandwich. I was a kid cut me some slack.

Why are there so many ghost hunters and we never hear about zombie hunters or werewolf hunters or vampire hunters? I think there should just be a VanHelser who hunts all of them. I would do it but I am not willing to put in the time it would take to pursue a hobby that doesn't bring any financial reward. I'd rather blog and podcast. Maybe the ghost hunters would let us know if they come across these other creatures but I worry that it would take different equipment. Cha Cha thinks it's because people believe in ghosts and they don't REALLY believe in the other ones. It's okay to believe in ghosts because they just spook us and the other three want to eat our flesh or drink our blood.

Thanks for stopping by to celebrate the 369th MITM blog. If this is the first one you've read you have a lot of catching up to do. I just saw that the podcast is uploaded so I will finalize that and you can click the Dirty Laundry link in the upper right margin to listen now. Thank you for helping Dirty Laundry move out of the 11,532nd slot. I don't know exactly how that is done but listening and "following" are probably factors. I will stop talking about it soon; I'm like a kid with a brand-new toy, Stop by and play anytime; I love to share. TTTT...MITM (hungry).

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