Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Did Anyone Else Survive or am I the Last MATT on Earth?

Let's see...what's going on in the MIDDLEwest today? Hmmmmm, let me think. To steal from my friend Judii's Facebook post, you may remember her as "Jackii Of All Trades," isn't it funny (odd) that there were white-out conditions on the first day of Black History Month?

Last night's women's basketball game was a little quieter than usual. There were people there but the numbers were sparse. Tonight there is a men's game and I will be interested to see if the masses have accepted that they live in the MIDDLEwest and this is to be expected from time to time. I am actually surprised that the weather reports were pretty accurate with regards to the snowfalls and the winds. I am always quick to poke fun and criticize but I also like to give credit where credit is due. way to go National Weather Service... for your warning us. Coming home last night from work was a lot of fun. I have a four-wheel-drive vehicle (4-Runner) and I don't get to use it very often other that pulling the boat out of a lake from time to time. Last night was the most fun I have ever had driving. I was pretty much the only one on the road and there were drifts in the road probably four to five feet high and I blasted through them at 40 mile per hour. Had there been anybody else on the road I would have cooled it (pun intended) but there weren't so I didn't. I also love to fishtail; call be old MATTshioned I posted on Facebook when I got home that I felt like The Omega Man. I prefer the Charlton Heston The Omega Man over the Will Smith I Am Legend but l will post the photos of both because I do love Will Smith, personally, more than Charlton Heston just not for this role/movie. I may have liked I Am Legend more if I wasn't constantly comparing the films. Also, it IS Black History Month! Chuck Heston's girlfriend (spoiler alert coming) in The Omega Man was an African American chick until the end when she became a zombie/albino broad.
Omega or Legend?
Cleaning the driveway today was interesting. I waited until the wind died down a bit so it wasn't that bad. I also used the snow blower for the most part so it wasn't that bad. That reminds me of an off-color joke that maybe you heard or maybe not but here it goes...Why was the snowman smiling? (I'll tell you in a minute). Alright, I'll tell you now. The snowman was smiling because the snow blower was coming. I'm sorry. I know that I am too good to work blue but I think blue so I blog blew (not a typo). Little Blog Blue come.... (I had better stop because this will go very wrong, very quickly). Richard Pryor and Chris Rock didn't need to work blue either but they did and they were hilarious and I am glad they both did.

Well, the snowplow just came through and I should go re-clean out some of my driveway handy-work that he/she ruined. Don't you hate when you get the driveway shoveled out and then the plow comes and buries the end of the driveway back in again? Have a great Wednesday night. Doesn't it feel like a Saturday?  I wonder if anyone will read this blog since most of you aren't at work today. We'll soon see. Thanks for sharing your mini cabin fever with me and let's hope you don't have to go to work/school again tomorrow though it is looking pretty clear out there right now. TTTT...MITM (off to work he goes). TA!

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