Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's Ladies Night at the Grotto!

Hidy-ho again MIDDLERS of one kind or another.

I hear this really loud sound outside and I thought maybe it was one of the competing bloggers trying to get a jump on my blog and steal my blogging thunder but I opened then window and it sounds like it's coming from the farm right outside the entrance of our subdivision. I saw them out there earlier harvesting the corn and it sounds like the trucks dumping the corn into the corn cribs. You thought I was exaggerating when I told you we lived in the MIDDLE of the corn fields. SA-LUTE! I searched the world over and thought I blogged true love you read another and ptttttt you were gone!

I worked out today, because that's what I do, and I upped my bike mileage to 25 miles. It wasn't much harder than 20 miles except me bum fell asleep (caught you lookin'). I figured that is impossible because Sugar Momma said I don't have a butt. I did not increase the sit-ups from 600, however, because my abs ache at 600; Gerard Butler can only do 300! Anyways...between bench-pressing sets I sit there on the bench for a few seconds. I always thought it was odd when Schwarzenegger, Atlas, Ferrigno...would admire their muscles in the mirror. Coincidentally, there is a large mirror with a broken frame at the end of my bench press. I just realized that I sit there staring at my biceps between sets. It's not weird when I do it though. I can see progress in my biceps and triceps and I imagine that's why they did it too; it drives you to keep going when you can see the results. I need to get some of that oil they put on and that rub-on tan stuff so I can be a total meat head. Is it wrong?

Sugar Momma and I went out for dinner at Eduardo's Mexican Restaurant tonight. Sparky was too busy playing soccer so he stayed home and we brought him some tacos back. On the way out I noticed The Paperback Grotto across the street had an odd sign out front and I try to have my camera with me most of the time so I went over to take a photo for you. The Paperback Grotto, incidentally, is the adult book store right in the MIDDLE of our downtown on Lincoln Highway / Route 38. I have always thought it odd to have such a business downtown for a number of reasons. I am not a prude mind you, as I am sure you know, but it doesn't make good business sense. Wouldn't more people go to such a place where they didn't enter and exit on the busiest street in town? Not very good planning on their part as far as I'm concerned. And it's ladies night tonight at The Palace Hotel Ballroom.

I saw that they are remaking the film Arthur with Russell Brand in the title role perfected by Dudley Moore. You know I love Russell Brand but Moore was perfect as Arthur Bach (how do I remember his last name? no life I guess). Sugar Momma asked, "why would they remake that movie, it was perfect the way it was?" In one of my rare moments of wisdom (maybe now that I'm 47 I am smarter) I told her that I think they remake these films because they are good stories and nobody wants to watch the older films. The studios need to make money and are too lazy to come up with enough good ideas so they remake the good moves, and some of the bad ones, with stars that people will go to see. I have also always noticed, and you WILL see it with the new Arthur when it hits the theaters, that the networks like TBS and FX...will show the original Arthur and people will actually watch it because the new one is in the theaters. I don't know if it is premeditated but mark my words it will happen.

The new season of Survivor started Wednesday night; they are in Nicaragua. Jimmy Johnson, former Dallas Cowboys coach and NFL analyst, is a contestant. I have always liked him. Sparky and I have always watched Survivor and The Amazing Race together. A special link I have with Survivor this season, besides one of the teams being MIDDLE/older players, is that tribal council is held in a cemetery...I cannot escape the dark side, try as I might. I mustn't give into the dark side.

Thursday I am going to work at The Egyptian Theater right around the corner from The Paperback Grotto replacing and/or tightening screws for the United Way Day of Caring. It's funny that Friday night The Rocky Horror Picture Show is playing there and in a couple of weeks they are having the Illinois Ghost Hunters spending the night there investigating for ghosts. I wonder if I should go to that? Does anybody else want to spend the night at the Egyptian Theater and investigate ghosts with me on October 2nd? It's $42.00. I may as well give in to the dark side; I'm not Luke Skywalker for crying out loud. We could go out to Blood's Point Cemetery before we go to the Egyptian at 11:00PM. Let me know. Sugar Momma said she might want to go see Rocky Horror. I saw it a few times in college but she has never seen it. I doubt that Sparky would want to go.

Thursday is once again upon us. Let me know about spending the night looking for ghosts on October 2nd. I may even do it without you but I'd have much more fun if you were with me. Maybe I will stash some Ecto-ray guns there tomorrow when I'm working on the seats so we have weapons when Vince Clortho Keymaster of Gozer shows up (again, why do I remember crap like that but I forget my PIN number sometimes?) I'll blog you again Friday before blood recycling day unless the Egyptian is really haunted and I get a free preview Thursday. Later skater! Ya'll come back now here? This has been a Filmways Blogsentation Dahlings!

** hee haw photo sa-luted from & arthur photo inherited from **


  1. OMG, my Dad used to hold us hostage and force us to watch Hee-Haw when we were kids! I could sing that whole damn song right now...ugh!

  2. Same with me Jim. I am not really a country music fan but I used to watch this because that's all that was on. The same reason we watched Lawrence Welk.
