Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dude, It's Going Off!

It’s almost time for Randy (Sonny) and I to head to Baltimore, D.C. and Philly. Fortunately, that terrorist dry-run deal turned out to be a misunderstanding. It seems that when some MIDDLE-Eastern people take things to their countries they tape them together and write down who gets what. There was Pepto-Bismol (ching) taped to a cell phone for one person there... The two men that were detained as suspicious didn’t even know each other prior to the flight. It is thought that they just bonded because they spoke the same language. Well, that’s one less thing to delay our flight but now there was the guy who entered the Discovery Channel building just outside of Baltimore Wednesday with several bombs because Discovery Channel hasn’t done enough to save the planet. People like this always amaze me. He’s worried about the planet (I am too - not to associate myself with this behavior) so he goes into a building that contains a daycare center and plans to kill everyone. In a statement before he was shot and killed by police he said, “Nothing is more important than saving ... the Lions, Tigers, Giraffes, Elephants, Froggies, Turtles, Apes, Raccoons, Beetles, Ants, Sharks, Bears, and, of course, the Squirrels. The humans? The planet does not need humans.” I guess there is one less human the planet has to worry about. But then there’s that S.O.B. Hurricane Earl. He’s headed for the Carolinas and then, as I mentioned a week or so ago, it will head North because “It’s NEVER sunny in Philadelphia” (when Matt and Randy are there to see a Phillies game anyway) - Right Sonny?

Hey, if tomatoes and avocados
are both considered fruits does that make salsa and guacamole fruit salad or jelly? How about a nice peanut butter and salsa sandwich for lunch or toast and guacamole with your eggs for breakfast? Actually it sounds a lot healthier than the store-bought jellies we get. You know darn well down the line I will try both of these on a slow blog day. No, I have much better idea...I am not going to tell you though. I am going to do it and let you know how it turns out with photos...always keep 'em coming back to watch the train wreck.

On the way home from plasma donation today I stopped by Dollar Video because they are going out of business (partially) and are selling all of their videos and DVDs. There were a few that I have been wanting so I stopped in. I bought one of what has become one of my favorite movies by accident - Surfer, Dude! It cost $5.00. Dollar Video has been 1/2 video store and 1/2 tanning store for awhile now. While I was there I spoke to the owner and told him how smart he was to go to half tanning so he wouldn’t be completely out of business...the 1/2 left is now an L.A. Tan. He mentioned that with Netflix (ca-ching) and the like he cannot compete. He also said he has a meeting with a couple of potential investors/partners today for the half the videos are leaving. The building is very large; at one time it was Sirloin Stockade restaurant. Even though I am nosy I didn’t ask what the new venture is but this is why I should go back to one of my early loves of reporting - I could have gotten him to spill the news if I had wanted to know and had tried.

I mentioned Surfer, Dude! They have two more copies at Dollar Video if you’re interested. I saw it on one of those free Showtime (ca-ching-aroo) or Skin-A-Max weekends. It’s what most people would call a druggie movie I suppose. Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson are the main dudes. I have never smoked pot in my life but I love: Surfer,Dude!, Cheech and Chong, Jay and Silent Bob, The Big Lebowski, all of the Jonah Hill/Seth Rogen films... I love druggie movies! It’s not that I haven’t intended to get reefer madness....I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I have had many friends throughout my life that have but I’ve never been so inclined. I know the opportunity may present itself one day but I’m still stoked without it; I have a mellow attitude without needing assistance so far. That’s not a challenge for you to try to get me baked...I can figure it out myself if the occasion presents itself. Two of my favorite recording artists, who I had not known previously, were made known to me by Surfer, Dude! - Mishka and Xavier Rudd - they hold several spots on ROZ’s dance card; check them out,

This one got away from me again. I am afraid that I will have a difficult time finding wifi on the trip so I am blabbing now. Randy and I may have to have breakfast at Starbucks (ching-chang-ching-aroo), all hotels have wifi now. Market Day Thursday and lunch with another casualty from my former employer. Lunch with Don Baggio sounds like the title of a mobster movie. Hopefully I will blog you again tomorrow unless I swim with the fishes...have a nice Thirsty...TA!

** philadelphia weather shined on me from, tomatoes & avocados salsa'd from & steve addington photo bogarted from **

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