Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Turn Around Don't Drown!

I sure hope I didn't screw anybody up yesterday. I wished you all a Happy Humpty Hump Day, meaning Wednesday, at the end of yesterday's blog and it was only Tuesday. Hopefully nobody knew I was referring to Wednesday when I said Humpty Hump Day.

Today will be kind of a solemn day. Someone I worked with (Jane) at my part-time job passed away and her visitation, church service and reception are today. Like most part-time jobs I didn't know her real well but I would say I saw her almost every time I worked so I probably knew her as well as I do any of the other hundred or so people I have worked with there. She was always friendly and nice and happy. I am going to the church for the visitation and funeral service but do not know if I will go to the luncheon. I also work with Jane's daughter so I guess I am going there for her as well as to pay my respects to/for Jane. Jane was probably about my parents' age so it makes me start to think about my parents' mortality. One of my parents' friends from high school (and a person they spent a lot of time with while I was younger) passed away a couple of weeks ago too. I know death is part of life but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

Last night while I was watching Hell's Kitchen (well the DVR replay of Hell's Kitchen) a message crawled across the top of the screen about a flood warning. It read "if traveling remember turn around don't drown." A sign makes sense but if you're driving you're probably not watching television and you're not going to see the tv warning but thanks a lot Dr. Seuss for the advise. Don't eat a tomato while running from a tornado. Try not to itch if you fall in a ditch. Make your blood clot if you get a gunshot. I think I may have found a new calling or maybe I'm stalling.

I am optimistic that some good may actually come from the BP oil spill in the Gulf. I think this may push us to realize that green technology is the way to go and it could shift to create new jobs to help our economy rebound too. Green technology may save our planet, our resources and our economy. How can you not be for living green? It takes rain to make rainbows and oil spills to clean the planet (life's little ironies).

The Heartland Blood Center called me the other day and told me that I am now eligible to give blood again. You always hear of wild animals getting the smell of blood and tracking their prey. I guess by me giving blood I have become the hunted. I will give blood again soon because it is the right thing to do and it doesn't bother me. And, who doesn't like free snacks?

Speaking of snacks I am seriously getting too comfortable not watching what I am eating again. I don't know how my mind cannot remember how miserable I was being fat. The instant gratification lasts for a moment but the benefits of being thin have lasted and are great. You are now my therapist and by letting me write this you are helping me solve this issue and change the course back. I always found in school that if I wrote something down rather than just tried to remember it I would remember it because it gets planted deeper into my psyche or something. Let's hope it works with typing and blogs the same way.

As amazing as Velcro is I still think Duct Tape was more important to mankind. They both have different applications because Duct Tape looks funny wrapping your clothing so I guess we can keep both.

Going to see Get Him to the Greek the other day led me to buy another song for my i-Pod (Sugar Momma's gonna get jealous with all of the things I buy for Roz). You'd think that I bought a song from Aldous Snow, Jackie Q or Infant Sorrow (the fictitious musical acts from the movie who actually have very entertaining and good songs). But no, I bought "One Tribe" by the Black Eyed Peas from the Pepsi (ka-ching) commercial before "your feature presentation." I love the Peas and have thought of getting this song before and I was just thinking that I needed a little energy drink for Roz so good timing...well played Pepsico...well played!

You've endured enough for today. I wrote way too much yesterday, sorry. Have a great Humpty Hump Day again. I will blog you again tomorrow with more wonderfully insightful nonsense with a useful nugget sprinkled in occasionally.

** humpty hump photo great "falled" from, turn around don't drown sign swept away from, lucy van pelt shrunk from and speed humps slowed down and stolen from **


  1. i love the lucy help booth. i have that as a stamp! and absinthe is now legal again in the states!

  2. Hey Matt, what a great piece of writing! Keep it up!

  3. Absinthe is really legal? I did not know that but I have wanted to try it ever since I found I couldn't. A new item on my todo list...thanks Stacee!

    Thank you Kevin Kevin. I enjoy writing almost as you much enjoy what you do. Your passion shows and makes you much better for it!
