Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ready, Set, Crazy Week Begins!

I finally got a haircut Friday. My hair was getting pretty long. I also shaved my face stubble completely off. I have been sporting the Miami Vice look for quite a while but decided to shave it all the way down. Big mistake. I don't know if it's from losing all the weight or getting Middler but I have a bit of a turkey neck now. The stubble hides it some but blogging about it probably draws attention to it huh? I am going back to the Don Johnson five o'clock shadow look toot sweet. I even have my beard trimmer set so it trims so I have constant 5 o'clock's five o'clock somewhere...on my face! (no joke here though saying "no joke here" implies a joke here I guess)

My shoulders and the nape of my neck are itching like crazy. The sunburn is peeling a bit right between my shoulders but the arms and shoulders are not peeling yet. It's all turning brown. The itching is driving me insane (well, more insane than I was already) but I am trying desperately not to scratch it. Wait'll they get aload of me! Maybe the itching/insanity training is preparing me for the week I have coming up and some of the people I will be spending it with...I'm not talking about you though. The boat (The Leaky Tiki) comes out of storage in 9 days (right after the graduation party) and I want to have a descent base-tan so I don't burn on the water. Who says I don't plan ahead...toughening my feet and getting a base tan...I plan.

Graduation is today and my niece's graduation party is tomorrow and then Splenda's graduation party is a week from today. We're living like the Hiltons with our packed social calendars lately. Next week is ground zero of crazy weeks: four Pony League baseball games (one a double-header on Thursday), going to the Cubs/Brewers game in Milwaukee also on Thursday so my Hawaiian brother can see the Cubs while he is on the mainland, a graduation party and all the usual things including getting ready for the graduation party. Good thing I'm temporarily retired. It's going to be an easy week to come up with blog material...I bet I offend at least two people by the time this week is over. Actually, two would be a reduction of my weekly average I think.

Now that I have my HP Mini I have been working on my screenplay again. I am prepared for nothing to ever come of it but it makes me feel like I am trying to do something. I hope I am wrong and something does come of it, of course, or I wouldn't even be writing, but I do love to write. I began to think that I enjoy writing because of the escapism. The same reason we read, watch tv, go to the movies, listen to music, drink... Hey I do all of those things. No matter who we are or where we are we all want to be someone and/or somewhere else.

Where has Sarah Palin been (speaking of somewhere else)? I haven't heard her yelling "Drill Baby Drill" lately. So, did they finally get that oil spill/leak stopped? It's at a tremendous cost but this will probably push us to try harder to harness the energies of the wind, the water and the sun. There is talk now that California may ban plastic bags in stores and if you want paper it will cost you five cents per bag. We have at last thirty of those grocery bags that you're supposed to take with you to the store to save on bags. We have them in our cars, in our kitchen, in our laundry room, in our pantry, in our garage but we seldom use them. I think I am using one for all of the unmatched socks I find in the laundry. I am pushing for the Helser family to begin using these bags exclusively. My goodness we've spent probably close to $200 on buying these bags so now we need to use them. Let's save the planet people!

ARRGGGGH the nape of my neck is itching like crazy...he puts the lotion on his back or else he gets the hose again. I have not been using lotion but there is this Johnson & Johnson moisturizing shower stuff I have been applying to my shoulders and back between conditioning and brushing and flossing. My daily showers are starting to take half of my day. I need to get a waterproof computer and desk in there so I can blog while I shower. No, that probably wouldn't be right.

Well, I have to get my two hour shower done, iron my clothes for Splenda's graduation and begin what is becoming the process of kicking our eldest baby bird from the nest. I am excited for her but I will miss her when she's at college next year. She's the one who always "gets" me and all of my eccentricities. Have a nice day and if you have an idea for a weekly top ten list let me know. I am leaning toward my top ten letters on the computer keyboard. Blog you manana...

** sonny crockett photo cuffed from & reusable bag photo recycled from **

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