Friday, March 7, 2014

Kiosk is a Funny Word

I was going to start the blog by saying that I am not going to eat ever again. That isn't practical for life. Then I thought that I'd try the Matthew McConaughey diet that he did for Dallas Buyers Club but I have heard many different things. I heard that he ate only bananas and drank only water. Then I heard that he had: two egg whites, a little chicken, tapioca pudding and two diet Cokes per day. I already had one banana today so the second diet is out unless I start it now. Why do we always feel we have to start new things "tomorrow?" Why couldn't I just start it now? So, then I thought about the weight-loss that Christian Bale did for The Machinist which consisted of: coffee, cigarettes and one apple a day. Kind of contradictory because an apple a day is supposed to keep the doctor away but cigarettes and coffee are supposed to be bad for you. Maybe the apple fights off the caffeine and nicotine? I have never been a coffee drinker or a cigarette smoker so, no on this diet. Tom Hanks for Castaway? Fish, vegetables, very few carbs and water. Hmmmm, I could do this one. I heard McConaughey consulted Hanks before he did his diet and decided on not using this one. Why? Now Tom Hanks has Type 2 Diabetes. What the Hell? I'd rather be fat than have Diabetes. Maybe I could make a combo of these diets? Bananas (since I already had one today), apples (because we have them here), oranges and carrots (have them too), we have chicken and caffeine-free Diet Coke. That seems sensible. No on the coffee because I have an issue with caffeine and no to the cigarettes just because. Cigarettes are shaped like bananas and carrots though (uh oh). Hey, what did Jonah Hill do? What about Gervais?
He should play Mark Twain now

It must be Jackie Robinson Day in my town today. They just said on the radio that it's going to be 42 today. I thought that temperature was retired.

Is it weird (he asked hypothetically) that I am already kind of bummed-out because I have to work in 37 hours?

I took a long break there to: go to the health club, get three movies from three different Red Boxes, go to the store to get something to make for dinner for the people who still eat food, eat another banana, start dinner (slow cooking a beef roast with some gardiniera so it magically turns into Italian beef), go on a walk with Jeff and Jill (we went up no hills) and start blogging again. I still cannot believe gardiniera is not in spell-chjk (I love to misspell spell-check on purpose because it pisses spell-check off).

Did you know that you can reserve movies on Redbox? I went on the site (how come sight and site are two different words?) to see if they listed what movies were available and it let me reserve one. It showed where all the kiosks were and where I could find the film that I wanted and then, let me reserve it. I reserved Dallas Buyers Club. When I picked it up I noticed that Nebraska is also out but unavailable at this kiosk. I then went to the store for the aforementioned reason and checked their two Redboxes and one had Nebraska and the one right next to it had Captain Phillips so, I got a film from each machine. How come comedies rarely get nominated for Best Picture? Hey, we have to see who got the most Academy Awards predictions correct when we record the new Dirty Laundry Podcast tonight. How come 12 Years a Slave isn't out on DVD yet? Actually, I was surprised the three I got were out already - times sure have changed.

Now I have good comedies that were nominated for Best Picture stuck in my head so... Fargo was funny several times, Pulp Fiction had funny parts, Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb was funny, As Good As it Gets was quirky, Lost In Translation had Bill Murray in it so, sorta funny. Juno was funny and Forest Gump had a lot of funny parts and it won.

I think Saturday Night Live is getting better again. It seems to go that way; it will be good and then some people will leave to do their own talk shows or do movies and it will suck for awhile and then get better again. So, watch it now because it will probably stink again in a couple of years. By the way, Jim Parsons, the most recent guest host and the dude who plays Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory, really isn't acting too much when he plays Sheldon. I thought he was a pretty good actor (as far as sitcom actors go) but he is just being Jim Parsons so, not that good after all. Further evidence of his acting on SNL. Plus, he is from Texas just like Sheldon.

I have blogged-on long enough. It's time to start the prep for the podcast. Thanks a lot for stopping by. Have a great rest of your day and night; I think I will blog again tomorrow. Is Daylight Savings Time this weekend? I think I only have to work 6.5 hours tomorrow. The bad thing about that is I only get paid for 6.5 hours. TTTT...MITM (full of fruit) TA!

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