Saturday, March 1, 2014

Be Nice To Your Machines (OR ELSE)

Ours is the newer model time machine
How come nobody has invented a fingernail clipper that does it all in one clip rather that the three clips around the nail? If you decide to do this, because I am too lazy to to the R & D, remember that it is my idea and be sure to cut me in (pun intended). Though I am too lazy to do the research and development I am not too lazy to sue you for stealing my copy-written/trademarked idea. I am driven by vengeance!

I learned something new about our Fiat; it is a time machine. On our recent trip to Southern Illinois our car put us back in the 1970's. I think the car goes back in time to the average speed you travel to your destination. Most of the way we were going 80-85 miles per hour but, when we got into town or stopped for lunch or went through construction areas... the average was lowered. I would say it seems like the Fiat Time Machine took us back to about 1972 - 1973. To get back home I am going to have to average about 201.4 miles per hour. I am not sure the car will hold-up to that time-warp strain. Maybe I will just get bigger tires. A 4-wheel drive jacked-up Fiat would be pretty funny. Television near Kentucky is 80% religious shows and I saw wrestling on television. Remember 1970's wrestling when there were two dudes fighting in a ring in an elementary school gymnasium with about twelve people spread-out throughout the seats (all sitting alone)? Then they have crowd noises playing like they are in a big arena and all of the twelve angry men in the crowd are all just sitting on their hands? That wrestling is still on here but it is currently being produced. It's quite amusing. The wrestlers seem to be going in slow motion so as not to really hurt one another. I would rather watch a couple of pandas wrestle. And, there is I Love Lucy on another channel.

I heard that there is a move to make Opening Day of Major League Baseball a national holiday. I have loved baseball my entire life and I am a fan of getting a day off of work or school with pay and no homework but I think this is stupid. I vote "no." Supposedly 22,500,000 Americans miss work/school on opening day. So what? Let us them us a vacation day or a sick day.
While I am still thinking about the time warp I have been travelling through the past few days... I am starting to figure out what the robots taking over is all about. We have always heard that we would be replaced by robots one day and I think the robots of the future are actually printers. Printers are going to replace many humans in the labor force. There are new 3-D printers that can make coffee cups and stuff and now there is a "printer" that can manufacture clothing. You order the clothing on-line from your computer (robot) and then the bank robot takes the bit coin money from you account and then the Open Knit Computer "prints" your new clothes to go to a job that will be obsolete soon because of the robot that is being built to do whatever you are currently doing. I wonder if they can print nail clippers that will clip my nails in one clip?

I sure travelled from the past into the future pretty quickly didn't I?

I almost forgot - the newest load of Dirty Laundry Podcast was uploaded a couple of days ago. LISTEN TO IT!

Have a great day on whatever time in history you are forced to be in today. Be nice to your machines as they may decide your fate in a few days, months or years. TTTT (probably)... MITM - looking for bell bottoms to print. OUT!

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