Sorry I didn't write on Saturday but Cha Cha had other things on the agenda and I could not find the time to write. To make that up to you I am writing on a rare Monday. As you may remember, I work Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays but, when I got to work this morning, they were letting people who wanted to go home leave. Of course, they had to read through the list of people and asked if they wanted to stay or go. Some would stay and some would go. I kept waiting for my name to be called but, since I am a trainer and we have to have so many trainers be there, I wondered if they would get fulfill the number of people before they got to reading my name. I was the last person who was allowed to leave. I have several hours banked-up so I can back-fill today's hours with hours from my bank rather than go home without pay. I would not have come home had I not had hours to cover the twelve today.
Tomorrow I will work even if I am offered the chance to come home. On Wednesday Jill and I are heading south for the celebration of our 30th wedding anniversary. I should buy her a purple heart for putting-up with me for this long. We were even together for five or six years before that - maybe she has earned sainthood by now. We were going to rent a car but we decided to take the
JEEP instead so I got the oil changed today while I was off. Fabio is going to stay here with Jeff. I'd rather pay him than take Jeff to a kennel for several reasons.
That is not Jill I am with but she took the photo |
Anyway, we are headed to St. Louis for the first night. It is only four hours away and I would normally like to push through a few hours further but that is where we spent our honeymoon because we were broke as a joke in 1988. We went to a
Cardinals' game and even got to meet Fredbird. I am going to check and see if thet're at home that night. They are home versus
The Mets. It is also P
GA Championship Night at
Busch Stadium that night. I am not sure what that means (yes, I do know what the
PGA is). It has something to do with St. Louis hosting the 100th
PGA Championship this coming August. Maybe they'll give us free tickets to the open. If, by some miracle that were true, I would ask my Uncle Rick (my mom's brother) to go with me. I am not holding my breath for
PGA duckets though. Why doesn't anybody use the word "duckets" anymore?I think the last time I was at
Busch was when Fabio and I went to the
Cardinals' -
World Series in 2006. That was a blast. May be a tough ticket since they lead the NL Central right now. I sure hope we don't hear any banjo music while we're gone.
While I am talking baseball (Kluszewski, Campinella...) I cannot wait for that Rockford Peaches weekend in Rockford this summer. Oh, that reminds me that I ordered two baseball caps from Amazon Prime. I received my Cleveland Indians' cap today (the one with Chief Wahoo on it). Supposedly the Indians are going to get rid of the Chief and go back with the block letter C. I have dozens of baseball caps but I do not have the Chief Wahoo one; I just had the block letter C Indians'cap until today. I also ordered a Rockford Peaches' cap. That will probably arrive tomorrow.
I have no idea why that last paragraph changed its format but I cannot get it to go back. This computer has sucked for about four years and it's about time that it meets it's maker.
I am going to shave by beard and mustache off tomorrow night after work. If I am going to Arkansas I am not going to have facial hair. It may be hot and I may even decide to shave my beard in the summer and I do not need whiteness where my heard had been previously been.
How can this not prove evolution? |
I would just be getting done with my second break at work right now. One more day after today.
War for the Planet of the Apes is on
HBO. The
Apes movies have sure changed (evolved LOL) from the days of Roddy McDowall playing Cornelius and Caesar. I have loved the POTA movies ever since I was a kid. I wish I still had the action figures (the full-size ones like
G.I. Joe used to be) from when I was a youngster.
I m gonna end before my computer acts-up again. Thanks a lot for stopping by. I may or may not write while we are down with banjos on our knees (even though I don't think we will get to Alabama. I am considering checking out Louisiana and Mississippi though depending on how things roll-out.
TTT?...MITM (out)
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