I did watch the news this morning and I am getting tired of that. It is the same garbage every day with just different characters doing the same stupid stuff that somebody else did yesterday or the day before... I must say that the political climate in this country is really screwed-up. I am sure that anybody who reads this or knows me knows how I lean politically and philosophically. That being blogged, there are screwed-up people and situations on all sides but I believe that I am following the least screwed-up side right now. I worry about people who being taken for granted and discounting in this country and in the world. I know there have always been people who have gotten the short end of the stick but it saddens me deeply when I see so many peoples being discounted or disrespected or disregarded or disenfranchised... I guess those are some of the ones they are talking about when they say people are "being dissed." It saddens me a great deal. Ha, I write about garbage and I hear the garbage truck out front. I find humor and irony in the smallest things sometimes.
I have begun watching what I am eating again. I am not sure why but I have let my trousers get a bit snug again over the past several months. I am going back to, mainly, salads and fresh fruits and vegetables and such. Maybe watching less of the news would stop me from trying to find comfort though harmful means like not considering the consequences for my actions. I know I need to start working-out again too. I have so many excuses and reasons not to but there are many more reasons that I should. I have an entire gym in the basement and that is only 13 steps from where I am right now.
The whole Facebook breach and all makes me think about leaving Facebook. I know I have written about that before but here I still am. Cha Cha left Facebook a couple of years ago and she has never regretted it. I knew that they have been profiling me for quite some time because the advertisements that would appear on my page or when I posted a blog... would be eerily connected to what I had posted about. I am on the fence about it but I know I would miss connecting with you. Just another thing for us all to worry about. I know that the stations that I watch on Roku are profiling me too. HBO Now, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Netflix... all recommend shows that they believe I would like to watch. They are correct about 85% of the time.
I saw that there is a special coming in HBO called "Andre' the Giant" beginning April 10th. I liked WWF Wrestling back when I was still in college. I always knew it was fake but the absurdity that some people thought it was real always humored me and it was funny to watch when you knew it was phony.. I had a friend in college (I will call him Bob because that was his name) whose dad was the Vice President of the Illinois Boxing Commission. Bob got a pair of duckets (some people call them tickets) from his dad to a match in Chicago (still called Chicago Stadium or "The Madhouse on Madison" at the time) and he took me with him. We sat at the ringside table (scorer's table). Talk about the best seats in the house. Anyway, Andre got a bad decision, in his mind, and he came right up to the table and slammed his fists down on the table. I am really glad that I knew wrestling was fake or I would have wet myself I think. I still remember the mole on the inside of his thigh and saw that his mole was about the same size as one of my hands. He was 7'4" and weighed around 500 lbs. You may remember him form the movie The Princess Bride as also.I really like that film. Here is a clip of him on Late Night with David Letterman. He once drank 117 beers in one night. He must have gone to Southern Illinois University.
Okay, I am going to wrap this up. I thank you, as always, for stopping by. There will probably be a blog again tomorrow. Have a great rest of your Friday. I am not sure what to call this day for me other than #3 of 4 in the days off I guess. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!
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