I imagine that you have heard why Kentucky Fried Chicken, not long ago, officially changed their name from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC. I had heard that they changed their name because people are so calorie and cholesterol conscious these days. I bought that nonsense though I have not liked or had KFC since I was about twelve years old I think. It was always too greasy. Colonel Sanders always kind of creeped me out as a kid because he looked kind of like many slave owners that I had seen in old movies. I am sure that Harlan Sanders may have been a very nice man, and, when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken in Utah in 1952, nobody knew or cared about oil or grease or caloric intake or their hearts and arteries clogging. To be entirely historically accurate Colonel Sanders began selling chicken in Kentucky at a roadside restaurant and he eventually started the restaurant franchising thing. We can thank him for: McDonald's and Taco Bell and Long John Silvers and all of the other places that made it easy for us to have high cholesterol and larger pants and spilling food all throughout our vehicles. I am glad I ate a healthy breakfast this morning or I would have just made myself hungry. If I did that to you I apologize. Just grab some grapes or a banana or something before you make a bad decision.
My dad called and wants me to help him scan something and send it to the people that are still working through all of the stuff from my mom's funeral. I forgot that Splenda is probably meeting Cha Cha and I for dinner though I am not 100% sure she answered Cha Cha's text. I told dad that I am still in Evanston and that I would probably be home by six or so. Then I recalled the Splenda thing. I can see that my dad's world has gotten even smaller without my mom to take care of. I know the sorrow and pain that I would feel had I would be in the situation that he is in. He still does some work for his former boss now and again but I think he is lonely and bored and I know I would be the same way. I may just go over to his house tomorrow and help him with it then, depending on whether Splenda is meeting with us tonight. I just want to make everybody happy all of the time and, as I had learned a long time ago, that is impossible.
I have to check out of the hotel here at 13:00 (asked for a late check-out). Jill will not be done from work until around 15:00 or later (only about three blocks away from here) so I have to decide what to do for those two hours. I could go hangout at a bar? I could go to the Cardinals' game at Wrigley Field but that would still be going-on past when Cha Cha will, supposedly, be done with work. Whoa, I could go to a bar and watch the baseball game on television. I am not drinking alcohol (not even wine, sadly) because I am still working on my girlish figure. I do like iced tea though (not Long Island ones at this time). The JEEP is parked here at the hotel and the bellmen (I did not see any bellladies) would hold my luggage until we were ready to get the car. Decisions, decisions. The library is right across the street from here too. I need to Google and find a bar that has some good, healthy food choices. A bar that has good salads. Hmmmm, a salad bar. Maybe I should open a salad bar in my college town. I could serve bad bar too but salads would be our main fare. I may be onto something here. If you steal the idea please cut me in. Maybe the thing already exists too as far as I know.

I am going to end now and figure some of this stuff out. I thank you for coming by and I always appreciate you. If I do end-up going to my dad's house tomorrow (one possible option based on what happens today/tonight) I will call on my dear friend Ma Meyer. I will, certainly, let her know ahead of time, of course. TTTT (most likely sometimes depending on my social choices)...MITM (out)
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