Monday, April 28, 2014

Yes, I Have Mental Issues! But, Loving It!

Most days I feel half my age which is good I think. Lately, however, I have been feeling my age. Actually, now that I blog about it, I have been feeling about 130% my age. I am a firm believer that age is more mental than physical or chronological so I just need to snap out of this. I remember when I was young my mom would always say, "act your age" but that was when I was nine. Now that I am WAYYYY past nine I should start acting my shoe size again. I know there are many contributing factors to me feeling this way lately and most of them are within my control if I just decide to do something about them. Most of these things are not predicated by other people so it is not you or my family... they are all just the mental issues that we all deal with every day. Sometimes they just seem to pile-on.

I was just doing the morning petting / tick inspection of Jeff and I came across what felt like a skin tag or a mole under his chin that I had never felt before. I made him "sit" and examined this area. I pulled back the fur and there was what appeared to be a large navy bean. It was not dark black like the previous once we had found. It was light brown with different colored spots and about eight times larger than the small black ones we have been finding. For some reason I have been putting the ones I have found in a plastic container with a tight lid. I added this one to the Tick Prison and the other littler ones all jumped on him/her/it like I had thrown a raw steak into a lion's cage. I guess it is survival of the fittest even in the world of parasites. It was probably so big because it was full of blood. I am not really sure how to dispose of these varmints. They sure don't seem to be starving to death. Fabio burned one in the Chimenea but I bet that tick lived. They are gonna take over the world. Maybe Giant Ticks will be the way to destroy the newest version of Godzilla. Mothra was a giant moth so maybe Tickula. Or, Tickzilla? Or, Tickra? I bet a giant tick versus a giant mosquito would make for a nice one of these stupid monster movies.

I just took a break there to do the dishes and start another load of laundry - things that people who act my age do. While putting away the glasses I discovered that we now have an entire new set of glasses. There were a few glasses that I liked that are now gone. I know that sounds weird but there is always a pillow or a blanket or a cap or a mug or a screwdriver or a glass that we have a fondness for. Think about it. You have a "go to" item in about everything that you have. I like the new glasses but what the Hell?

All of this complaining has led me to realize that it is the end of the month. It has probably been about 28 days since my last Mattsruation. When will my change-of-life occur?
No slave to technology and loving it!

I have to get the newest load of Dirty Laundry Podcast edited and uploaded today. I usually have it partially done by now but I have not felt very creative the last few days (please see above).

I have blogged myself into wrapping-up so I can get the show edited and uploaded with enough time to sleep before work tonight. Why in the Hell do we do all of these things that we do? I know most of it is because we are brain-washed into believing this is what we are supposed to do. I have seen photos of Aboriginal people who have zero technology and they seem as happy as heck. We have been made slaves to our "things" by the people who make these "things" and sell the accessories and upgrades... to these "things." I could not change that if that was my only task. It is a snow ball rolling down a mountain of snow and the pit below is bottomless. Every now and then we hear about the possibility of a disruption in technology and that this would cripple us. I think it would actually give us a chance at a "do-over." Yes, most of our banking information would be gone and maybe we should go back to stuffing some cash in our mattresses like they did back during The Great Depression. One of the nice things would be that nobody would have mortgages anymore because the banks would not have proof that we owed them anything. We would not have any cash but, conversely, we would not have any debt (theoretically). Now I am just jabbering.

Thanks a lot for letting me vent. Maybe this will help me get over whatever it is that I am under or on. I will let you know when the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast is ready. It is 0924 now and I will work on it until 1500; if it isn't done by then it will have to wait until Tuesday. I have been fighting this cold/allergy... whatever it is that is ailing me and I need to sleep before work tonight or it will be a longer night than it usually is. Have a great rest of your whatever day of the week this is. I really do not know what day this is and I don't even care to look. I am tired of trying to figure what day this is to you and what day it is to me. I just know that this is my Wesnesday. TTTMT (My Thursday)...MITM (out) Hasta La Vista!

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