Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Who is Vern Al E. Quinox?

Hey, Vern!
I am finishing Zero Dark Thirty right now. We started watching it last night and Cha Cha didn't not seem to get into it and there weren't enough gun battles or fire fights for Fabio right from the start so I decided to finish watching it right now. I am still working on the laundry and I am doing bills so I have time to watch the film simultaneously. It is a movie that you need to pay attention to if you want to enjoy it and understand what is going on. I think it is great! If you mistakenly get a check in the mail that looks like it is for mt internet provider or the satellite television service or something please let me know. Most I pay on-line but there are a few that have crappy websites and make it difficult for us to pay on line. It's the 21st century idiots - get with the times. They must has stock in the USPS.

It seems to be Vern Al E. Quinox's birthday. He must be a big deal because he has his name printed right on my calendar.

I knew aliens would be involved in this movie - they are now at Area 51. I hope Will Smith and Harry Connick Jr. show up soon. Kick the tires and light the fires big daddy! I hope they get this Ben Ladin fella that seems to be the villain in this movie. I won't wreck it for you whether they get him or not. Seriously, it's great to see a role for a strong woman in film and better yet when it is based on a true story. Those witches in Oz: The Great and Powerful were pretty strong too but they weren't real as far as I can tell.
I just heard that Colorado's Governor signed gun control bills. I think that may be a big deal. I am not sure but I always think about Colorado as part of the Old West along with: Arizona, Kansas, Missouri, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, Texas. California too but they have jumped the shark from the Old West feel for me. I will ask Cha Cha later today/tonight on the podcast if that is a big deal but I am pretty sure that it is a big deal.

BRB - the washer and dryer are calling me because they are still hungry. I swear I can feed them non-stop and it would not be enough for them. I am back. I think I am developing folder's elbow. Also, while folding the movie is now over. I really liked the film but not much of a surprise ending; I hope me telling you that it was not a surprise ending is not a spoiler alert. Now I have to go back to the Redbox to return the movie. I want to go to the store anyway because I feel like making a pie. I am leaning toward apple but maybe I will make an apple and a blueberry? I have already made the crusts (2) so now what to fill them with? I would do four and twenty blackbirds but they are hard to come by. Maybe I will do an apple and do that deal where you put the other crust on the top of the pie and just have one pie. There are only three of us here so two pies is WAY too many. Even one pie is a little much. I could make two and Cha Cha or I could bring the second one to work. My work isn't conducive to pie but Cha Cha could take it in tomorrow I suppose. Everybody in offices love pie, right? Phyllis and Creed love pie. Kevin LOVES pie. Meredith and Toby would certainly have some. Dwight will tell Cha Cha how the apples aren't the right kind or something but Dwight can suck it!

I need to shake a tail feather (no offense to the blackbirds intended). I am headed to the store and then back to continue to fold and start prepping for the podcast. If you haven't gotten your mail in yet there is still time as I write this.

Have a great rest of your day and your night. I will let you know when Dirty Laundry Podcast is ready - probably tomorrow morning. I really appreciate you reading this whenever you can and listening to the podcast while you're on the treadmill or whatever you do while you listen to our shenanigans. TTTT...MITM (enjoying Vern Quinox's birthday) TA!

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