Monday, March 18, 2013

My How I Do Blog On!

It seems like Winter is back. Hopefully, this will be a shirt stint. They tell us that Spring is almost here so we may have sun at the end of the tunnel.

I got Dirty Laundry Podcast up over the weekend. This was the most frustrating editing of the show which is now going on 103 episodes. You'd think that I would know what I am doing by now. It was actually some kind of hardware issue that was deleting files and making me redo things I had already redone ten times previously. I have not listened to the show since it has been sent to iTunes but I was just happy to have anything available by the time I was finished.

Speaking of things going haywire in the house - our refrigerator has taken a poop. The freezer portion works fine but the refrigerator isn't getting as cold as it is supposed to. Fortunately we have a fridge in the garage so I transferred all of the things requiring refrigeration to that fridge. I have tomorrow and Wednesday so it's either call a repair man or get a new fridge. We have had the thing since we moved into this house about nine years ago but I thought refrigerators lasted a lot longer than that. The one in the garage, given to us by The Lost Sock several years ago when he got a new garage fridge, looks like it is form the 1970's but maybe they made things better back then? I just got done spending $300 on some Cardinals vs. Cubs tickets for when my brother comes here from Hawaii. I wish I had known that the fridge was going to crap-out before I bought those things; that would have been a large portion of the cost of the refrigerator. He loves the Cubs but he is still my brother so I will forgive him that because we are brain-washed .
Someone is claiming that Michael Jordan fathered her child 16 years ago. Really? A professional athlete cheating on his wife? Get real! Athletes don't cheat. All of this bologna about Tiger Woods and Lance Armstrong supposedly cheating have led to even more lies. Oh, I just Google that and I guess Woods and Armstrong admitted cheating. Where have I been? Those world-class athletes cheated? Come on! It sounds like Jordan got off (no pun intended) of these allegations. So did Armstrong for many years. I am not saying that Jordan cheated on his wife but it sure quacks like a duck to me. 

There is a film coming out soon about one of my favorite athletes of all time coming out soon that I am really looking forward to seeing. This is an athlete who I am fairly certain did not cheat. The film is called 42 and one day every baseball season every player in Major League Baseball wears this number on his uniform. I am sure you realize that I am blogging about Jackie Robinson. What an amazing person he was. Why didn't they get the film out in February? Wouldn't it have made sense to get it out during Black History Month? Sine I mentioned the Cubs/Cardinals game I should mention that even though the number 42 is retired by every major league baseball team it is retired for someone in addition to Robinson in St. Louis. How cool is it to see you number retired and to know you shared it with Jackie Robinson. In St. Louis #42 is retired for both Robinson and former Cub Bruce Sutter. Bruce wore 42 before it was retired by MLB in 1997.

I am so glad to see Sarah Palin back in the media. She has got to be one of the most entertaining morons in the history of history. I am sure I could make a pretty good list and I know she would make the top five for certain. She is going to make blogging and podcasting easier just by being herself. Thank you Sarah!

I just saw a clip of a show called Splash! that is going be on ABC starting tomorrow. From what I can get from the commercial it seems to be a Dancing with the Stars of celebrity diving. I am gonna check what it is - BRB. I was correct. They dive each week and then one gets voted off each week. Throw in a bunch of celebrity hotties (Keisha Knight Pulliam - Rudy from The Cosby Show, Nicole Eggert - Summer from Baywatch, Miss Alabama Katherine Webb, skiier Rory Bushfield...), a midget (Chuey from Chelsea Lately), an obese comedian (Louie Anderson), a hugely tall former NBA star (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)... and you have a side-show that I may watch it just to report on it for you - probably not.  Good God are we really getting this desperate? I never thought things would get worse on television but every single day I am proven wrong. Newton Minow was a profit. I am not going to tell you who Newton Minow was so you can A.) look it up or, B.) listen to the next podcast when we talk about him (I have to write that down so I remember to talk about him and the dumbing down of television). 

Okay, I have to go out to the refrigerator in the garage and get dinner started. I feel like Caroline Ingalls. Thanks a lot for hanging-out for a bit. Have a great night. I don't mean to threaten you but I will probably blog again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (ghost) TA!

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