Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Axis Powers of Vehicles (almost) & Shysters (not almost)

Toyota, Volkswagen, Fiat
Good (fill in the blank based on the time you are reading this) to you! It's 1AM and I am up. Most people would still be up but I was down and now I'm up. I fell asleep about 10PM and I just fell asleep about 12AM. I am afraid that I am up for the count (I figured if you can be down for the count you can be up for the count). Yesterday, as you remember, I woke up for the day at 2:30AM and fell asleep about 9PM during the St. Louis Cardinals' rain delay during the play-off game that they eventually won. I have to work tonight now and I hope I manage to get some sleep in before then; it may be difficult since I have to drive the entire length of Illinois in there sometime too.

Vehicle shopping went fairly well yesterday and Splenda ended-up getting a Jeep Liberty. It's a really nice car. She had really wanted to get a Volkswagen Beetle and we looked at several and test-drove one that I was about 96% sure we were going to buy but I will tell you why she didn't in a moment. I was kind of excited in a sort of an historical way that she was going to get a VW. I will give you a hint why and see if you can figure-out my warped reasoning behind that. If she would have gotten the car, when she was home, we would have a Toyota, a VW and a Fiat at the house. Maybe that graphic up there kind of gave was a huge hint. It's amazing how forgiving people our country is being full of Axis Powers' vehicles. We took the orange convertible VW Bug for a short drive and it seemed nice. We drove it back to the dealership and I told them we'd like to take it to a mechanic and have them give it the once-over. I said we'd leave the 4-Runner there and they said, "no, go ahead and take them both in case you have to leave the VW at the mechanic for awhile." So, we got into the vehicles and headed toward the mechanic. Splenda drove the Beetle and followed me. On the way she all of a sudden pulled into a parking and I circled-back. She said the car was lurching while she was driving it. We switched vehicles and  headed back to the dealership. While I was driving it back it made clunking noises while shifting into second and third gears both up the gears and back down (it was an automatic transmission) and the engine was making a clunking sound. The sawdust must have worked it's way out of the transmission. We got back to the dealer and I told him that his car was a piece of shit and he didn't not seem too surprised by the look on his face (my extensive poker playing comes in handy from time to time) even though he had told me how great it was. He also said that he had "driven it seven miles and it was a great car with no problems..." He was clearly a lying crook and we left. I should have realized something was shady when they never one time asked to see either of our drivers' licenses and gave us the keys to their vehicle twice without even knowing our names (no exaggeration). When I asked if they were worried someone would steal it one of the dudes said, "people don't steal down here." Another sign that they were idiots and liars. Do not go to Best Buy Auto Sales in Murphysboro, Illinois. We then went to an actual car dealership (sells new and used cars and is a certified Ford and Hyundai dealer) in Marion, IL rather than one of these shysters. I think the actual word should be sheissters which, ironically, is derived from the German word sheiss which means shit! We had found both cars on and the Jeep was Splenda's second choice but quickly moved up to numero uno. It all worked out for the better because this new vehicle is much safer and Cha Cha is more relieved as a mother too.

I wish I could sleep. It's now 2AM and I am writing this and Splenda is over next to me working on a paper for her class. The paper isn't due until 6PM so she has plenty of time but she has a class at 9:30AM I think. I wish laptops had been invented and available while I was in college; things would have been so much easier if you could writ papers at home and just send them to your instructors. I have to make a five hour drive back north some time today so I hope I can get a few more hours of shut-eye. I don't work for 20 hours so I should be able to get some in there; that leaves 15 more hours in there for other things.

I have blogged myself into trying to sleep. Have a great day. Remember not to take wooden car parts (that was an attempt as a play on the wooden nickels and sawdust thing but you can tell I am tired when it is so vague that I have to explain it). Thanks a lot for stopping-in. TTT???...MITM (out)

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