I just went to Walgreen's to get Cha Cha's medicine. On the way back I saw two scooters riding side-by-side coming toward me in the other lane. Something seemed very odd about the riders and it wasn't until they were close to me that I realized that they were two Gumby's riding scooters side-by-side. You don't see that every day. I laughed out loud.
For some reason I don't like Halloween as much this year as I have in years past. I suppose it's partially that the kids are both older now and that was a lot of the fun of it but it is probably something else too. I am not sure what the "something else" is but I don't seem to be in the spirit of it this year. Maybe it's because I am still getting over this cold; I guess I will wait until next year and see if the spirit returns. Maybe I am just an old fart now and no longer in The Middle. I don't think that is it but do we know when we cross the line to old age?
I am watching Stephen King's IT. I have seen it a couple of times and I like most of it. I read the book a couple of years ago, before the movie was made, and I liked it okay. I like most of it except for the ending. The ending stinks. That is one of Stephen King's problems in my opinion - his endings. He is great at building suspense and character development but his endings leave me disappointed most of the time. I am reading his newest novel (11/22/63) and hope the ending is better than his novels usually are. It partially takes place in Derry, Maine where a lot of his stories take place, including IT.
The doorbell hasn't rung in quite awhile but maybe that's because we don't have the porch light on. Fabio was in charge of distributing the candy and he and some buddies are out now begging for themselves and it is dark now and we don't have a light on so no trickers for our treats. That's cool because I don't feel like answering the door. The little kids have already come and gone and that's what it's really about anyway.
I am just about ready for bed; it's been a long day. I am really happy that I have the night off. I had lunch with my buddy Greg today; I always enjoy spending time with him. His only weakness is that he is Cubs' fan. I can overlook that because he's not one of the annoying ones.
It's only a little after 7PM and it feels like 11PM to me. I am really tired and I am sure it's still this lingering cold. I think I am going to succumb and lie down. I will probably fall asleep but who cares? I have no reason to stay awake. Have a great rest of your night and a good tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out)
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