Monday, October 29, 2012

Are Hurricanes Democrats?

How long do you think it will be before some network is showing The Perfect Storm? I hope people weather the storm on the east coast but I cannot help but wonder if we'll own beach-front property by the weekend the way the news talks. The news really gets off on this sort of thing. News really is only about what is going bad. I think it\'s pretty mean naming a storm Hurricane Sandy when it's gonna destroy beach communities. I wonder if I need to get the boat back out of storage?  I just searched and AMC is showing The Perfect Storm on Monday at noon; I thought I was kidding, It is a good movie if you haven't seen it. Who knew there was such a thing as a snowicane?

I think Cha Cha and I may do early voting today or tomorrow. I could have early voted for this election four years ago. Never mind, since I wrote that last sentence we voted. I GUARANTEE that the candidate I voted for POTUS will win my state! Guaran-damn-tee it!!!!! I got a sticker....jealous?

I have a lot more on my mind but most of it I want to talk about on Dirty Laundry Podcast tomorrow and there has to be different things to talk about on each right? Cha Cha and I will record it tomorrow night and then I am going to record another one without her on Sunday with filmmaker John Borowski. Cha Cha will be out of town with her breasties besties, Nobody has stepped-up and asked to be my co-host for the week so the job is still open. Don't be nervous, anybody sounds great next to me. 

Did you hear about the privately built unmanned spacecraft called the Dragon built by SpaceX that will be returning to Earth from outer-space? The first commercial spaceship is bringing urine and blood to Earth from the International Space Station. I never really thought about what astronauts did with the human waste. I suppose I thought they had a pill to stop pooping and peeing or they just let it float out onto space. They are using the bodily fluids to study nutrition and bone-loss and stuff. If space could bring us aluminum foil and the microwave maybe it can help us live longer so the world can continue to get over-populated and them we can move to space.  
I just read a report that people named Sandy (the real name of Frankenstorm) who donated to Presidential candidates in this year's election were more likely to vote for Obama than Romney. 73% of people named Sandy who donated more that $200 this cycle donated to Obama. Further, looking ate recent hurricanes, the statistics hold true. People named Irene were three times more likely to donate to Obama, Katrina (80%), Frances (70%), Andrew (54%) and Rita (69%), Could the National Hurricane Center be in cahoots? It would make sense that God were Democrat I suppose. But she could also be Republican. 

I need to get going because I am making a turkey dinner for the carnivores in the hizzy; they cannot even wait another month for turkey. Have a great night (my Friday - woohoo). I appreciate you stopping in. Make sure to like Matt In The Middle and Dirty Laundry Podcast on The Facebook. I am not gonna lie, my fragile ego needs constant stroking (I am a man, that's what we're all about). TTTT...MITM (civic duty done). Out!

post script - I have no idea why the type face changed and I cannot change it back - damn you technology!!!!

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