Friday, May 13, 2011

Stop and Smell the Rainbows!

This is one of the thousand rainbows we saw in Hawaii
cue the music Roz
I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone. I think it must be car-lag. I don't think I am tired but I don't feel like I'm not tired either. Maybe it's just Friday The Thirteenth. I have always been a triskaidekamaniac so I doubt that is the problem. It may come from the fact that the last two days' blogs are gone. I know they existed because they still appear on my Facebook page with people having commented on them? Was I on a weirder road trip than I remember? Seriously, I didn't do anything to delete them but they are done.

Last night while I was bringing Splenda home from school I saw a rainbow while we were passing through Bloomington. I slowed down to get a look at the rainbow because I am that kinda can you not love a good rainbow? while I was slowing down to look at the rainbow a State Trooper pulled over another car that was speeding. Could that rainbow have been a part of an elaborate speed trap? Sometimes it pays to slow down and smell the rainbows. Thanks to ROY G. BIV (that's the rainbow's name) we made it home in record time again without incident.

I have to be at work in about three hours and then again tomorrow morning at 5:30. After this busy weekend the hours will begin to slow down as we don't have many events going on during the summer. Hopefully I will hear from one of those other two prospects again soon. Rainbows!!!
Doesn't it look like fun?

There is a "store" in the MIDDLE of nowhere in Southern Illinois just off of Route 57 called Adult Time. I probably don't have to tell you what kind of an establishment it is based on the name. Every time I have passed I have noticed that there's one or two cars there and an occasional truck. I don't know if they have a busy season but it never appears to be doing a very good business as I pass by at 80 miles per hour. There was one time when Cha Cha was taking Splenda down to school without me for some reason and Splenda remarked that it's too bad that the store isn't a couple of towns south in the town of Dix, Illinois. Every time I drive by Adult Time now I think it should be in Dix now. If they want to grow their business (TWSS) they should remember the number one rule of retail...location, location, location or maybe they are going for the ghost town look. The slogans would be endless too if they were in Dix. I have several but I will let you be your own marketing expert.

I noticed that "test pavement" in southern Illinois smells like crap. Then I got a bit further and realized that was a pig farm near the test pavement.

Is one Lay's potato chip a Lay? 

I gotta get some things done before I get ready for work so I had better wrap it up. I am pretty sure that I will not blog tomorrow since I work at 5:30 Am until who knows when and then hopefully I will get to see some of Fabio's game in Sycamore tomorrow evening. Sunday I should be able to blog though we will be recording the Dirty Laundry Podcast (Free on iTunes) and I may be totally wiped-out but I will try. Have a great Frinight and Saturday and Saturnight. TTTSu or M.... MITM (out)

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