Friday, May 27, 2011

Hey Goofy, What Time is it?

Clockwise're gonna kill someone!
It's Friday I'm in love....Friday does that to people doesn't it? Why do roller skating rinks make us skate counter-clockwise? Even Roller Derby goes counter-clockwise and they are "professionals." Roller skating is like the Back to the Future of excertainment (patent/trademark/copyright unless it already exists). Never mind, I just Googled it and it already exists...darn! If I weren't married I'd ask Google to marry me. She knows everything and I smart is totally hot!

I save those little Box Tops For Education dealies for Cha Cha and my friend Debbie, actually for he kids well, actually for her kids' school... I ran a cross a weird one today. Land O Lakes Spreadable Butter prints the part that you need to collect right on the lid. It's not a label on top of the lid it's actually printed on the lid. While typing this I think I figured out why. Two reasons 1) some moron might mention it on his blog and 2) when the box top gets turned into the schools it will probably pass through the hands of several people so it will be like continued advertising. I may not cut the lid up. I may just send it the way it is because that's pretty smart and they ought to get the advertising mileage out of a good idea. Just the opposite of skating counter-clockwise. Let's all go skating and skate clockwise - ATTICA, ATTICA, ATTICA!!!

I am becoming obsessed on skating. I started searching for photos for this blog and realized speed skating goes counter-clockwise too. What in the Helser is going on with skating? Wait... track and field, auto racing, horse racing, dog racing... I have a Goofy watch that I got a long time ago that has the numbers backwards and the hands go counter-clockwise. Maybe I will start wearing that watch again. I always felt like an idiot when someone asked me what time it was because I would look at my watch like I just got a brain freeze. I am getting it out of the jewelry box right after this but don't ask me what time it is. I sure do go off on tangents don't I?

Last night Fabio's team finally got a game in this week. They got rained out both Tuesday and Wednesday. Fabio pitched the final four innings but when he went in they were already losing 5-0. In his four innings he struck out eight batters and picked a guy off of second who had reached on an error. I like when he does well, duh. He also got a great hit into the gap for the second straight game. They need to start him on the mound more often because he mows 'em down.

We received The Social Network in the mail from Netflix. I didn't really care for it. It was pretty much a movie about spoiled rich kids who were jerks and fought over money that none of them really seemed to need anyway. We'll probably talk about it on this week's Dirty Laundry Podcast but now that will be pretty anti-climactic but maybe Cha Cha liked it.

The Chicago Bulls are out of the NBA play-offs and that saddens me. They are a good, young team and they will win a Championship soon. Fabio is a huge Bulls fan and he is disappointed because he said he wanted to get a Bulls' championship t-shirt; wait 'til next year (that's a well-known Chicago phrase). I promised Jay Cole that if the Heat beat the Bulls I would root for the Heat. I actually like LeBron James and hope he does win a championship. That's the reason he left Cleveland in the first place. Fabio and I took a weekend road trip to Cleveland to see him play. It turned out to be his final season there though we didn't know that at the time. I'm glad we went...Miami is a much longer drive and a ticket is probably harder to get because they are actually good. WITNESS!!!!

I am gonna hop in the shower now and shampoo my much, much shorter . Why do haircuts never make me look like the photos of male models that I show the woman cutting my hair? Maybe I need to provide a better canvas to get a MATTsterpiece? Damn antique canvas. Have a great Friday. I believe I will blog again tomorrow so I will say TTTT...MITM (out and gonna soak up the sun)
hit the obvious song here Roz what a great song and video

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